Chapter Five- 'California And Feelings'

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We were all at the airport, waiting to board the plane. The rest of the O2L boys were here to say goodbye to the three of us before we head off to California to see my dad. Our flight was called and we stood up. Trevor, who I had gotten to know last night, came and gave me a hug first. Then Sam, then Kian, then JC and, lastly, Connor. Ever since I found out I've had a crush on him, I've been really worried that it might slip out of my mouth.

"I'll miss you. Skype mee!" I told them before I was being pulled away from everyone by Lucy. We made our way onto the plane and took our seats. Lucy took a photo of me pouting before uploading it to twitter.

@LucyLCooper: @Rosie_Dillon is already missing the @Our2ndLife boys. Aww. . .

"Lucy, stoop!" I whined when my best friend tried to take another photo. I covered my head and plugged my headphones into my iPod. I started listening to Give Me Your hand by The Ready Set. It reminded me so much of the others because JC made a video with Ricardo, Ricky and Connor. Oh, how I miss them! "I miss theeem!" I whined.

"Rosie, it's been five minutes. We still have three hours and twenty six minutes left!" She told me, making me sigh and place my head against the window. The plane had taken off and I was sitting there, wishing I could be in L.A. I mean, I love my dad and all but L.A is where all of my friends are.


The rest of the flight consisted of me sleeping, moaning and pouting. We soon landed in California and made our way off of the plane. We were scanned by security before grabbing our bags and heading out of the airport to meet Ricky's parents, my aunt and uncle. We got in their car and I realized how many texts from the guys I had. Thank god I had changed all their names in my phone because they were terrible the first time.

From: SamTheMan

I miss you! You're like a big sister that went away. Can't wait to see you on Skype!

From: KeanBean

Hey, Rosie! We all miss you like crazy. It's weird not having you, Lucy or Ricky around. It's the exact same feeling we have when Connor goes to Minnesota in December. Anyways, Miss you. Skype you soon!

From: JC!

I miss yooooooooooou! Skype us as soon as you are there!

From: Lil' brother from another Mother.(Trevor)

I miss you, sister from another mister! Wish we could've come. Skype us when you get there, yeah?

From: The awesomest guy ever! (Connor)

Hey, Rosie. I miss you soo much! The others have probably already texted you this but, please, skype us as soon as possible. We all miss you guys loads!

I texted them all back, explaining how much I missed them and that I will skype them before we pulled up outside my parent's house. It was a rather modern house and it isn't the place I grew up. Wait, yes it is!

When I said I grew up in England, then Wisconsin, I meant that I lived in Wisconsin for two years and I grew from a child more into a mature teenager. We then moved to California when I was 12 and I proper grew up here.

"Hi, mum. Hi, dad! Happy birthday!" I told my father, who smiled at me. I ran over to him and gave him a hug as well as a kiss, "Mum has your birthday present from me. I really hope you like it!" I smiled at him. He gave me another hug before I sat down beside him.

"Sweetheart, you just coming from L.A is an amazing present. We know that you aren't a massive fan of flying on a plane so you just being here is the best thing ever. It's also fantastic that your brother came from Florida to be here. Then there's Dylan who only had to drive for five minutes. Justin is in his old room because you're all staying in your old rooms. Ah, Lucy! Ricky! Come and give me a hug, you two." Dad says, making me smile.

We headed up to our rooms and were told that we had two hours before we were going to dads meal. It was at six so I decided to unpack before going on Skype for half an hour then getting ready. So, I shoved my clothes into the wardrobe and got my MacBook out.

I turned it on and went straight onto Skype. It was either I called Sam or Andrea. Because Sam actually told me to Skype him, I clicked on his name and waited for him to answer. It took a while but Sam soon appeared on the screen.

"Sam!" I smiled at him, making him smile back, "Oh my god, I miss you guys so much. Just let me get Ricky and Lucy in here. LUCAY! RICKAY! Get your backsides in here right now and say hi to Sam!" I shouted making Lucy jump on me and Ricky jump on my bed, "I'd also like to point put that this is the room I grew up in from the age of 12 to the age of 20." I say, making Sam smile at me.

"Right, let me get lover boy in here and the others. Connor! Trevor! Kian! JC! Rosie, Lucy and Ricky are on Skype!" Sam shouts making the others come running in. They were all wearing T shirts and jogging bottoms. I smiled at them.

"Hey, weirdos!" Lucy waved at them making them pretend to be hurt, "Right, Connor, there's an issue I really need to sort out with you. Would you mind taking your eyes off if Rosie, please. I mean, we all know you fancy her but please leave it until you are both alone." Lucy says, making me smile at her and push her onto Ricky.

"And I could say the same to you two. Like, my god. Anyways, what have you guys been up too?" I asked them while Lucy was, playfully, glaring at me and Ricky was laughing. I must be freaking hilarious. The guys were also laughing at me, making me roll my eyes. My phone went off with a twitter notification and I laughed, "Hate messages can be so funny. Someone just told me I'm a player because I'm apparently dating Connor as well as JC!" I say, making them laugh.

"Some people can be very stupid." Ricky says, making me smile at him. We talked about what we are doing this week and how warm it was. It wasn't really hot but it wasn't really cold either. So, the temperature was good.


"Rosie, can I speak to you for a second?" Lucy asked me, Ricky right beside her. We were just about to get ready to go for my dad's birthday meal and I was stuck between two outfits, "Pick the white dress; it will suit you more than the green one." Lucy says, making me nod.

"Lucy and I wanted to ask you a question. It's quite important." Ricky says, making me turn to face him. It worried me what question he was about to ask me; it could be anything! "Do you have a crush on Connor?"


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