Chapter Eight-'What The. . .?!"

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Connor approached me, making my breathing hitch. He smiled at me, probably noticing how stupid I was being. A frown came across my face before Connor leant down and his lips met mine. It took a while before I realised what was going on. Connor freaking Franta was kissing me. One of my best friends. The one I have a massive crush on.

I kissed him back, placing my arms around his neck. He pulled me closer and held his hands behind my waist. He pulled away first before smiling at me, making me stand there lost for words. Connor then grabbed my hands and looked me in the eyes. Was this real? I must be freaking dreaming! My god, this can't be real.

"Rosie, I've liked you since the day we met. It took me a day to realise I have a crush on you and I've been thinking about it for ages. The truth, Rosie, is that I'm falling for you but you haven't been there to catch me." Connor says, looking down at the ground, "God, you probably only kissed me to make me feel better about myself. You probably don't feel the same way at all." Connor says before I kiss him again, totally stopping him from what he was about to say.

"Connor, I've liked you since the day we've met. It took me a week or two to realise because I take ages to realise I like someone but it's true, I have a crush on you. I kissed you because I've wanted to kiss you since the day we freaking met! I felt the same way about falling and not having you to catch me but I felt like you just did." I told him, making him smile.

"I guess I should probably ask you then." Connor says, shuffling around, "I know what you're thinking, 'We haven't been on any dates' but all them times we've spent together alone made me feel like we were. But, I really like you so, uh, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Connor asked me, making me smile.

"I would love too." I told him, making him smile at me before Lucy burst through the door and started dancing, "Uh, eavesdrop much?" I asked her, making her laugh, "I guess we should go and tell my parents." I told Connor, making him smile. With him meeting my parents earlier, he wasn't nervous at all.

We both walked downstairs, Lucy rushing downstairs really excited and sitting on Ricky. They all looked at her, wondering why she was so freaking excited. She calmed down and pointed at us, making everyone frown. I laughed, awkwardly, before they pressed us further to find out what was going on.

"Connor and I may be boyfriend and girlfriend now. . ." I trailed off and Connor frowned at me. I frowned back at him.

"What do you mean by may be? We are boyfriend and girlfriend now." He told me, making me roll my eyes and smile at his craziness. Mum was the first one to get up and come and give us both a hug, then Dad- who really didn't care about asking Connor if he'll treat me right- and then Justin, Dylan, Ricky's parents, Tara and, lastly, Lucy.

"I knew it. I told you." She says, pointing at me. Making me roll my eyes, "Now, go and do some couple stuff. And, this may be slightly early to ask but, when are you two making it official?" Lucy asked me, making me look over at Connor. He shrugged before he decided to say something to her as an answer.

"We'll probably see how it goes unless you want to tell them now." Connor asks me, making me shrug.

"I don't mind. Whenever you tell your viewers, I'll tell mine." I told him, making him smile at me. Lucy then told us how her and Ricky told their fans at seperate times; Lucy telling her fans a day after and Ricky waiting until another two weeks. Connor put his arm around me, making Lucy giggle and fangirl over how cute we are, "Let's go and skype the other guys and tell them before we think about telling our viewers." I told Connor, making him nod. 

We both walked upstairs and entered my room. I set up my laptop and signed into Skype. Someone Skyped me straight away. It was Andrea. I answered and JC, Kian, Sam, Trevor and Andrea popped up on screen. Jenn was, apparently, Skyping Lucy in another room. Andrea gasped when she saw Connor there and refused to talk to him.

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