Don't worry baby

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Elena POV :

I woke up with an extreme pain in my chest , I don't remember much .

 Well I remember Damon rescuing me from this awful place , Meredith was here , and i slept in Damon's arms , i know i have a wound on my chest a deep one , but I am a vampire why the hell It's not healed yet .

I was closing my eyes , when I opened them i expected to see Damon , but he wasn't here , the IVs were attached to my arms .

I remember Damon took them off so he can hold me , I was freaking out right now , actually a, I was  terrified .

I was scared to call for him , I thought what if Maxfeild is here , what if he took all of them , so I didn't want to make a sound , so he won't take me again.

I just stayed in bed and cried , hoping i was wrong  ,but i was in so much pain , and so much fear to even think about going down to find out where is Damon .

Damon POV :

I woke up with my angel in my arms , it was a quiet night , Elena was exhausted so she didn't wake up when i got out of bed .

When I got up ,I found that her wound is bleeding , so I ran downstairs  to get Meredith , who slept here in case anything happened .

When she got to Elena she found that I took the IVs off ,''Damon , why did you do this ?'' she asked while putting them again .

''Well , she was crying ,i needed to hold her , why does it even matter , she is a vampire '' I said confused that this IVs were important .

''Damon she's not healing like a normal vampire , and I think that the crazy doctor has something to do with this '' Meredith said 

I didn't answer i headed downstairs , Meredith was calling , but I ignored her , I went to Stefan's room .

''Brother , I need to talk to you about something get up'' I said throwing his shirt on him , he was asleep , Caroline was to far gone to even listen , yesterday was hard on all of us .

''what's going on ,is Elena fine ?'' he asked walking right behind me 

''No , this bastard did something to stop her healing process '' I said with anger 

'' Fine , I'll wake Care , and go find out what he had done to her , just take care of her '' he said heading to his room 

I went to check on Elena she was still asleep , ''Damon , I need to go to the hospital to get some things done ,and get some medical supplies for Elena , It won't be long , just don't let her move a lot when she wakes up '' Meredith said grabbing  her purse .

'' Fine , but make it quick '' I said , she nodded , and left .

I kissed Elena on her forehead , and went downstairs to call Bonnie , she left yesterday ,but asked me to call her if anything happened , so I thought a witch could help .

The call : 

D: hey Bonbon 

B: hey , is there something wrong ?

D: well ,yeah ,Elena is not healing the psycho did something ,so i thought you might know something ''

B: I will check my spell books , other than that , how is she , emotionally ?

D: she is not up yet so.....( the i heard her crying) 

B: Damon , everything ok 

D: I will call you later ,I think she woke up , just search for what i asked 

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