Chapter 1 (19 BBY)

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"There is still ... good in him..." Padmé's head turned, and her right cheek hugged the pillow.

Obi Wan's eyebrows raised, and he quickly reached out his index and middle finger, and checked the pulse on her neck. It was sporadic, but still there. She was just unconscious. He put a hand to her jawline and stroked her cheek gently, in awe of what she had gone through. She had given her life to Anakin, only to get betrayal in return, giving birth to the children of her now half robot husband, whom she had endeared and referred to as Ani, or my love. There was a sudden feeling that rushed over Obi Wan, like a strong wind, and his ears changed pressure uncomfortably, with a high pitched ringing.

Suddenly, he saw before him Anakin, on Mustafar, the planet's surface scarred with irate crimson and scarlet lava flows. Anakin glared, his handsome face twisted in a sneer of impassion. His expression depicted deep feelings of hurt and pain, radiating hate and anger to them point the Obi Wan was nearly consumed by the emotions himself. He almost wanted to help him, wanted to rule the world with him, in the physical safety of his new empire, protected by Anakin's new power. Ultimately though, he refused, because it was wrong. Wrong to tamper with life or death, or fate, wrong to kill younglings, even if it was to save her life. And Anakin knew that.

Anakin reached his hand out, and suddenly, it felt like the world came crashing down around Obi Wan. His throat closed, and he couldn't breathe. There was a pleading voice, feminine, and choked, but not his own. The ground below him was moving away, and he felt the pressure on his throat rise. A blood-red curtain descended on his vision, and cast everything in a demonic shadow. His eyes stung and watered painfully. A conversing echo of screams was evident in the background, and out of nowhere, the pressure on his throat released. Obi Wan slammed to the ground, his vision going dark.

He pulled his hand away, breathing hard, his forehead coated with a sheen of perspiration. Obi Wan took a second to calm down, and wiped the perspiration off his forehead with the back of his hand. He wondered, was that a memory? If so, it wasn't mine, I have no recollection of being force choked before nor any of the thoughts I had. Obi Wan tried to piece all the details together, but it just wasn't making sense. Why the feminine voice? And if that's not my memory, then why was I in it? Out of nowhere, it all clicked, of course! This was Padmé's memory, and by initiating contact with her, I must have seen her dreams or memories through the Force! Obi Wan shook off the feeling of desperation, and stepped out to speak with Yoda.

"The Senator, okay she is?" came Yoda's grumbling reply.

"Senator Amidala is fine, she just fell unconscious due to exhaustion." Obi Wan sighed heavily, sitting down in a chair at the blank white coloured table.

"Troublesome, this sequence of events is. Decide, we must, how to protect the Senator and her children," Yoda's voice resounded wonderingly.

"Yes," Obi Wan put a hand to his forehead, merging his eyebrows, "suppose maybe... we could take them to Tatooine? It should be safe there. It's on the verge of wild space, and ruled by the Hutts. Also, her in-laws, Beru and Owen live there, who would most likely be willing to take care of her and her children," he bit his lip. Obi Wan still wasn't used to saying Anakin's siblings were Padmé's in-laws, or that Padmé had children. It just seemed abnormal, unexpected. Even though it they had a definite relationship, he hadn't expected them to go as far as that. More like he hadn't expected Padmé, to go that far. Anakin, on the other hand...

Yoda's voice interrupted his thoughts, "Tatooine, a good idea is. Find a more hidden place though, we must. Send them to Tatooine we will, until a safer location we decide."

Obi Wan nodded thoughtfully, "Yes Master." He pondered for a moment, and then replied, " and for a safer place may I recommend Yavin? It's all the way across the galaxy from any of the planets she would be presumed to be located at," he pushed his chair back, and stood up, "I assume you intend for me to accompany Padmé and her children to Tatooine, and stay there, until you make a decision?"

"Yes. Now, be going you must, before discovered, the Senator and her children are."

Obi Wan turned and walked back into the room, spoke with the droids momentarily, telling them to carry Padmé and her babies to her ship. When everyone had boarded, Obi Wan set the beautiful Nabooian ship on course for Tatooine, with a blast of electric blue fire, reminding him of old times with Anakin.

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