Chapter 3 (19 BBY)

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Obi Wan curled up deeper into the closet compartment at the back of the pilot room as Padmé walked in. Luke and Leia were settled in a crib located in a separate room. She sat down with a pained sigh in the pilot's chair and leaned her her elbow against the dashboard, her hand placed delicately on her forehead, pinky raised slightly. She inhaled sharply, blinking back stinging tears.

"I can do this, Anakin will come back," Padmé murmured, hoping desperately to reassure herself that she could restore her previous life, as though it were a wilted flower deprived of all aestheticism and soul. After a moment of mourning, Padmé set the hyperdrive coordinates for where she believed the new Separatist hideout was, and leaned back in her chair, hoping, pleading for the best.

* * * * *

After several difficulties, Padmé was finally able to get in undetected, with the help of a Sith Lord by the name of Vader. She had no idea who this Vader was, and she didn't really like having the help of a Sith Lord, but it wouldn't do any harm, and it would help her find her beloved Ani.

So, Padmé landed her ship, being told by her asset that whoever walked up would be Anakin, and disembarked after lowering the walkway. As she paced down the ramp her eyes anxiously scanned the room. She looked carefully for Anakin's familiar face, with those soft lips, and his tousled, deep blonde hair scattered over feather lashed, stormy blue eyes. With that faded scar etched over his right eyelid. When she saw a dark figure stride out of the shadows, her heart dropped into a chasm as fathomless as the galaxy was wide.

The human -creature- was covered in what seemed to be metallic black armor. A ominous cape billowing behind him, dark as a sky void of stars. He stepped toward her with a crooked gait, stumbling along like a toddler just learning to walk. His armor left no skin open to the air. His head was hidden in a helmet, his hands covered with gloves, and his feet stuck in a pair of clunky boots. He had an odd, brightly coloured console-like array of buttons on his chest that made him seem menacingly inhuman. He took a deep, rattling, robotic breath through the slits in the triangular mouth of his helmet, as though he were about to commit some burdensome action or sin. His intimidating stare fixed, emotionless, upon her.

Padmé's lips tightened nervously, and she spoke in a soft undertone, frightened to offend this monster in front of her, "Ani?" her voice trembled slightly on his name, "Is that you?" Padmé stumbled at the end of the ramp, scared.

An automated voice reverberated, coming from the slits in his helmet, "Yes," he took a low, and emphasized breath inward, "Angel, it's me," for a small moment, his previous voice was evident, as he spoke his eponym for Padmé, but then it became Vader's again.

Padmé choked on her breath. She knew that Anakin had turned to the darkness, but she hadn't expected him to turn into this- this monster. The fact that he had betrayed her and been turned into a virtual cyborg, brought her heartache to an entirely new level. Anakin could never be his same self again. She would never see his messy, shoulder length hair, or feel the rough skin of his cheek, her Hero With No Fear was gone. And it was all because of her love. Her love had caused this. Her love had caused him, caused both of them this unendurable agony. But she had to try, she had to try to get him back. Her life was empty without him, void of joy, like a supernova flared into oblivion. She knew it was impossible to even consider leaving, even if part of what she came for was gone, she could still save him from himself, from his inner darkness.

"Anakin," Padmé took a steady, controlled breath inward, "please, come back," she walked toward him, and set a hand on his tall broad shoulders.

"No," even though his face was hidden by a mask, you could sense the strain in his voice, anger towards Palpatine, and the pain of refusing the offer of a lifetime, "Padmé, come to me, where you can be safe."

Now it was Padmé's turn to say no, "Anakin, I can't! This is no place to raise children, and it is certainly not a place that welcomes our love!"

Anakin was taken aback, "children? You mean, we had two children?" Vader's voice shook in what seemed very nearly to be elation, which sounded odd paired with his deep tone.

"Yes, I bore twins," Padmé walked onto the ship, and came out with two precious babies, nearly as angelic as herself. One had dark coloured, brown hair and eyes like Padmé's and the other had dark blonde hair and blue eyes, not unlike his previous visage. They gave small innocent cries at the sight of him.

Vader's knees buckled, and he stumbled towards Padmé and his children, gently touching their tear streaked cheeks with his leather glove. They quieted down, half in fear, half contented. He was filled with awe. Padmé had birthed these two children, and they were his. These beautiful pristine, precious babies were created partially by him. At the same time, he felt an overwhelming pang of guilt. These babies would have to grow up without a father, and Padmé would parent them alone. It would be all his fault. Did he really want to cause that, cause his beloved, irreplaceable Padmé, and their children, that much pain?

Padmé's mahogany eyes saw through the mask, and into his soul, "please, we need you," she whispered desperately, pleading to the depths of his heart, or what was left of it, if any.

He took off the leather glove on his right hand, and touched her cheek with his prosthetic hand, stroking it with his thumb. Padmé shuddered slightly, but she didn't pull away. "Padmé, Angel, I will come back with you," he put a hand on her waist, " I pro-"

PS. That wasn't a typo, just a cliffhanger. Sorry to make you endure that, the next chapter will hopefully be out within the week. As always, thank you so much for your feedback, follows, and votes! That is one of the few things that keeps me going! ; )

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