Chapter 15 (0 BBY)

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   Obi Wan, Han, and the twins now ran through the hallways, troopers on their tail. The latter three being young, and spry, had little trouble running top speed. Obi Wan on the other hand, had old, weakened limbs, and was tired from constant running. He stumbled falling to the ground. The three looked back in worry, “Go! Leave me! Save yourselves!” Obi Wan yelled.

  He dissipated into the Force, his body fading, leaving only his large Jedi robe on the floor, being hit by several blaster bolts. Obi Wan's lightsaber rolled across the floor, free of mastery. Luke snatched it up and started to run away to the ship as Obi Wan had told them to do, blocking laser bolts as he went.

*     *     *     *     *

    Spontaneously, Palpatine erupted from the curtains and threw himself at Anakin in rage, brandishing his lightsaber with a twirl as he aimed it straight for his heart. Anakin arched his lightsaber up to meet the Emperor's from below, throwing the cursed red weapon across the room. Palpatine paused in shock, and his hands formed into a claw like shape. Lightning shot out of them in Anakin’s direction, sizzling on the air. It hit him once, and he felt his whole body vibrate. It hit him again and he felt his systems start to break down. Suddenly he had less aid in his breathing, his heart was starting to beat on it's own accord. He began to feel again the ever present burning pain of the fire eating his body away, reliving the moment.

  Footsteps echoed throughout the room from some direction he couldn't perceive. Anakin suddenly felt a peaceful presence, like a soft, trickling, cleansing flow of tranquil, healing water on a burning wound. Padmé. He knew without a doubt that it was her. She yelled out his name in horror, “Anakin!” He could sense her reach her hand out to him in pain. He could see her exact expression in his mind’s eye, the converged eyebrows, her gently curved nose, her soft, supple lips.

    Suddenly, Anakin knew what to do. He just had a sudden urge, like it was the will of the Force, to hold his hand out. As the Emperor, brought down another strike, the lightning stopped near his palm, and formed an orb of electricity. Anakin pushed through his palm with the Force and redirected the lightning back at the Emperor. His body shook like a brittle, leafless tree racked with a Kaminoan hurricane. He fell to the ground, his pasty pale face withered smaller and smaller, shrinking in his robes, his body wasting away like dust poured into water, until he fully dissipated into nothing but dust particles lingering in the air.

    Padmé closed the final distance between her and Anakin, embracing him. He whispered to her, with his own vocal chords, in his own husky, and wheezing, but real, voice, “Padmé , take off my mask.” She hesitated, but did what she was told. She gasped at the sight of the burn scars on his face.

    Anakin put his real hand in her loose curls at the nape of her neck, and his prosthetic hand on the small of her back, pulling Padmé's body flush against his. She blushed slightly, and caressed his cheek. “Padmé,” Anakin whispered, his forehead touching hers, “I love you. I truly, deeply, love you, and before we die I want you to know.” Padmé pressed her lips to his, and he kissed her back, their kiss became deeper, Anakin hugging Padmé even closer. Anakin finally found what he was missing, the taste of Padmé's soft lips. He remembered it like it was yesterday. It was the first time in 19 years they had felt this, it was the happiest day of their entire lives. And that was an understatement.

    As Anakin's breath began to wane, he pulled Padmé closer, her arms encircling him, and tuned into the Force. Together, they slowly started to fade into the Force. Their bodies slowly  disappearing into thin air, leaving Anakin's helmet, and his cape on the ground, along with a straying strand of Padmé’s warm chestnut hair, which floated slowly to the ground. There seemed to be tendrils of sweet, gentle, passionate memory, hanging like glitter in the air, the only thing left of their spirits, traveling to the Netherlands of the Force, across the stars.

A/N well, there you go! My second finished story!! I really hope you like it, seriously, this ending was about all I thought about in my free time!!


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