Chapter 8 (13 BBY)

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            Some time later that morning, as the Anakin and Padmé were eating an early breakfast, there was a loud crash of a shattering window, and three frantic screams. Anakin stood up, and ran to the source of the sound, Padmé frantically following. They reached the room to find it was empty of both children, with only an angrily beeping and yelling R2, and a vexed and recently awakened C-3PO. Anakin glared out the window at who he was sure was Jango Fett. Great, people knew where they were now, and they had kidnapped their children.

              He ran towards the opening, and was about to leap through it, lightsaber ignited, when Padmé put a hand on his shoulder, “Anakin,” he turned to face her, “there’s a safer way to do this, please, take a couple steps back before we leap into this, think,” Padmé's voice of reason was tempting, but Anakin preferred action instead of contemplation.

              “No! sometimes all it takes is the willpower to jump! I have to go now before he's gone off of the planet!” His voice rose, ringing in Padmé's ears.

             She shrunk back in fear, “Please Anakin, there's another way. We can call Bail and Mon Mothma, they're with the Rebels, on Yavin, they can help us find our kids without us having to go out in public,” she looked at Anakin, pleading.

            He hesitated, but after a moment, he succumbed, “okay,” he sighed in submission, “but I have one question: does this mean we're joining the Rebels?”

           Padmé smiled, “Yes.”

*     *     *     *     *

           Bail welcomed them to Yavin’s rebel base, “and this will be the room you are staying in. I apologize for the small accommodations, but, as you know, we have many, much larger problems, than small accommodations,” he smiled warmly, “I have a quick question, if you don't mind.  Would either of you be available to assist the Rebels with your talents? I know it's a lot to ask, but, if you would just hear me out.”

          Anakin spoke before Padmé could get a word in edgewise, “No, I'm afraid not, we'd be seen or recognized in public. Also, I am certainly not welcomed here on Yavin by others, because they can’t accept the fact that I've changed,” he stated bluntly.

          “Anakin,” Padmé scolded him lovingly. She turned toward Bail, “we would be glad to assist as long as going in public isn't involved in our jobs.”

            “And you help find our children,” Anakin retorted, Padmé giving him a cold, sidelong look.

“Of course. That is completely understandable. If you need anything else we'd be glad to help you. If it is within our abilities, that is,” Bail turned to leave, but Anakin grabbed him by the shoulder.

           “Bail, wait,” Senator Organa turned, “we do need your help. Do you happen to have any psychologists at work on Yavin?” Anakin asked hopefully.

            Bail sighed regretfully, “I'm afraid not, we haven't gotten to acquiring mental health services, we've been busy with funding hospitals and doctors. Why do you ask?”

          Anakin paused, squeezing Padmé's hand gently, while Padmé looked away forlornly, “We think Padmé might have PTSD.”

         Bail’s eyebrows rose to the ceiling, “what? I'm so sorry, that's terrible!”

          Anakin couldn't handle being slathered with sympathy, he knew Padmé wouldn't be able to speak or hear of it without crying “yes, it is. Now if you'll excuse us we'd like to settle in.” The door slammed abruptly in Bail’s face.

         Anakin embraced Padmé as she wept. There was no way for him to fix this problem, there was no way to save her from the pain. Why did this keep happening? He hated it. The mere sound of her tears dripping onto his chest plate, of her feeble, haunted sobs, sent chills up his prosthetic body. It made his heart ache like when his mother died.  Almost worse was the fact that Padmé understood he couldn't help her; and to boot their children were being held hostage by the Empire. Anakin knew he needed to do something, but he just didn't know what, or how.

A/N sorry if this chapter was a little crummy, I tried my best. I'm just not very good with writing about Bail, or non romance scenes, for that matter. Thank you for your follows, comments, and votes!! I love you all!!!

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