Chapter 4 (19 BBY)

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A dry cackle split the air from behind them, "well, well, look, it's a happy family reunion," Emperor Palpatine's pasty white face broke in a gleeful grin, showing his rotten, yellowing teeth, "I hate to ruin this, but I mustn't spoil my plans," giddily, Palpatine reached into the Force and modified Anakin's life support system.

Immediately, his breaths became shallower, and he hunched over, trying to hold the breath in, and the pain at bay. Palpatine advanced on Padmé, preparing for the final part of his plan. She froze, her eyes wide with fear, and pulled her precious children closer. The Emperor's and Vader's lightsabers ignited with equally angry hisses, radiating a heated red glow. "Padmé, get back to the ship, now!" Anakin forced out of his collapsing throat.

Padmé didn't hesitate, she hurried back to the ship, hazelnut hair flying as she spun around, mingled with scintillating tears, right when Obi Wan sped out of the ship. Vader tossed him his lightsaber, just as he lit his own, lucid blue one.

Obi Wan turned toward Palpatine, a deadly calm atmosphere enveloping him. He delved into the Force, preparing for what was to come. He was going to defeat the cause of all their problems, what had caused The Hero With No Fear's defeat, and had caused him and Padmé such grief and heartache.

Obi Wan held his saber poised in the air, as Palpatine's crackling bright cobalt Force lightning shattered across the air, and collided with his lightsaber. He pushed against the Force lightning, hoping the mortally wounding voltage wouldn't make contact with his vulnerable flesh.

After testing Master Kenobi with his Force lightning for a small lapse of time, Palpatine resorted to close combat, instead of a lightning attack. He pressed forward, still channeling Force lightning, until he reached Obi Wan's general vicinity, and jabbed at Kenobi's midriff, hoping to deal a fatal blow. Obi Wan's quick reflexes, due to his unity with the Force, helped him dodge the blow, but not entirely. The Sith's demonic, blood-red lightsaber grazed his side, and Obi Wan clenched his teeth, holding back an agonized grunt, burning in pain.

Obi Wan and the Emperor exchanged several ferocious parries, sparks of crimson and blue sparks flying through the air like white-hot ashes from a blazing fire. Finally, Palpatine got his final move, fienting right, and then cutting left. This time Kenobi was not so lucky. Emperor Palpatine moved faster than he did, and brutally sliced off the lower half, from the elbow down, of Obi Wan's sword arm. He cried out in agony, and stumbled over to the ship before collapsing onto the metal floor. Obi Wan used the Force, reaching into Vader's breathing system, changing it back to it's original state, just as Padmé helped him into the ship.

Anakin picked up both lightsabers, and began an immediate attack on the Emperor. First he jabbed left, then right, sparks glancing off the brightly coloured sabers as they collided. The Emperor grunted as he pushed Anakin's saber aside, and jabbed at his chest plate. Anakin dodged, Palpatine's saber slicing through thin air.

This was his chance. Anakin Force pushed the Emperor into the railing, hard. Then, without a midi-chlorian of hesitation, he tossed his fiery-red lightsaber over the railing, into oblivion, and ran to the ship and up the closing ramp.

Padmé sat in the pilot seat, trying to navigate the ship correctly. Tears flowed from her profound brown eyes, making the process of steering even harder. Anakin put his mechanical hand on her shoulder. "Padmé, it's okay. Let me pilot," he squeezed her shoulder comfortingly.

"Ow," Padmé winced, "that hurt Ani" she bit her lip, "wait-is it," her voice trembled slightly, "is it okay if I call you that?" Padmé looked up at him, her beautiful brown orbs open wide, adorned with her ebony shaded feathery lashes.

"Yes, Padmé of course it's fine, I love you, and that a hasn't changed a bit," he spoke with a surety even Padmé could not have emanated.

Obi Wan clenched his teeth in pain, "could we get going please," he gripped the stump of his arm with his one hand, "before Palpatine tries to kill us, again?"

"Yes," Padmé said quickly. She stood up and moved out of the way for Anakin to sit down, then turned to Obi Wan, "meanwhile, we need to dress your wounds," she walked out of the room to get some bandages and gauze.

After Anakin sat down, they left the Death Star, and shot off into hyperspace, their ship a magnificent glittering star in the galaxy, a trail of blue flame following.

A/N sorry for the late post, had a bit of writers block, and a boatload of homework. As usual thank you very much for your feedback and contributions. Also, like I said, one-shot ideas would be great!

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