Chapter 12 (0 BBY)

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      Anakin and Padmé sat next to Han, who was piloting the ship. They had decided to explain to him who they where, once they went into hyperspace, because they wanted to be honest with him. After they had finished the long explanation, Han's face twisted in confusion, “so, let me get this straight. You,” he pointed at Padmé, “have PTSD, from getting choked by your own husband, and you,” he pointed to Anakin, “got burned up on sand, which you hate, turned into a cyborg, and served the Emperor as a Sith?”

      They looked at each other for a moment, Han gaping in awe, “yes, all of that is true.”

     “Let's cut to the chase then,” his expression went back to that of it's usual demeanor; smug, a sort of, smoulder, you could say, “why do you need a ride to the Death Star, aren't I kind of leading you to your death? Pun intended,” Han smirked facetiously.

       “Well,” Padmé glanced over at Anakin, wincing, “see, the Empire kidnapped our children about 13 years ago, the two of them, Luke and Leia. They were about six years old then, and we've finally decided to take matters into our own hands. We guessed, because they think we wouldn't dare enter the Death Star, that our children are located there.”

      Han nodded, biting his lip, “my apologies for your hardships, but how do you plan on getting your children back?”

      Anakin thought for a small moment, “well, I'll fight the Emperor, while Obi Wan finds Luke and Leia. Hopefully, I'll defeat the Emperor, and we'll get our children back.”

     Padmé looked confused, “wait, what about me? Won't you let me help?”

     “Padmé…..” Anakin trailed off worriedly, “please, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't live without you if you died, what if the dark side took over me again?.... I don't want to hurt you,” he curled a piece of her slightly greying hair behind her ear, “please Angel…..”

     She pulled his glove off, feeling the metal of his prosthetic hand against her cheek. Padmé looked down, her eyes glistening with tears, “but what if the Emperor hurts you? And you don't have your lightsaber.” She put her hand against his prosthetic one.

     “Obi Wan gave it back to me, and if I don't survive… I'll be in the Force. And after killing those younglings, I… I deserve it.”

      Padmé’s face contorted in an agonized, and conflicted expression. She looked away, biting her lip. Quietly, she reprimanded him, “Anakin….” Padmé couldn't protest much more than that. He was sorry, but sorry didn't revive the children he killed. In the republic, the punishment for killing that many juvenile innocents in cold blood was, well… nothing short of death. Deep down, she wondered whether he really did deserve to be alive, to live with how many younglings lives he had destroyed. To be happy, (although his happiness was to a small degree), and have stolen others happiness away from them. Was that okay with her? Okay at all? Was it ever possible for him to redeem himself?

         Padmé pushed away these thoughts. She couldn't question him now; not when they were just about to save their children, just when he needed her most. Padmé closed her eyes for a moment, pondering her decision. “I'll stay Anakin. But If I feel like you're life is in danger, I'm not going to hesitate. I will help you if I feel it is necessary. Do you understand?”

       Anakin nodded, giving a strong sigh of relief. Han turned to look at them, “if you lovebirds are done talking now, we're almost there,” Han smirked to himself, and docked on the airlock of the ship, glad that the Falcon's colour camouflaged so well with the shade of the Death Star.

       Obi Wan entered the room, they discussed plans, and then the three of them left, Anakin embracing Padmé once last time. As he pulled away from her comforting hug, he whispered in her ear, his breath blowing across her cheek, “I love you Padmé.”

        She smiled gently, and kissed where the bridge of his nose would be- hard metal, Padmé tried not to shudder. “Hurry, they need you Anakin, now more than ever.”

       With that Anakin slid down the chute, out of Padmé's vexed sight.

A/N thenk you to all of those who support my story, especially













And anybody else I didn't mention. Again, thank you SO MUCH for all of your support! It means the world to me!!

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