Chapter 10 (0 BBY)

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      Anakin and Padmé walked up to Owen and Beru’s home. It was a very bright, hot, and dry day on Tatooine, as usual. There was nothing but colourless, cracked, moisture deprived ground, and small village huts for miles around. Anakin knocked gently on the door, hoping that he wouldn't disturb anybody's sleep.

       The door opened with a slight creak and an older version of Obi Wan stood in the doorway. He looked like he had nine years ago, with his sparky blue green eyes, but with much whiter hair, and a few more wrinkles. His eyes, although bright, as always, didn't have quite as strong a spark, they looked rather tired, as if the heat of the sun had slowly drained his strength away, like water softening the sharp edge of a frigid,pointed icicle.

       When he saw Anakin, his face immediately twisted in an expression of suspicion. He knew exactly who it was, exactly what he had done. No mask or cybernetics could fool him. This was the man who was his brother, who the galaxy had seen as a hero, who he had seen as a hero, his partner. That is, until his act was up, and he betrayed them all: his pregnant wife, his unborn child, his friend, the entire galaxy. For what? Power. It was as simple as that. He killed innocent children.

      Obi Wan new it was wrong to hold a grudge, as it was a relative of hate, which was against the Jedi Code, but look what he had done! Was it even possible for him to change? He killed what must have been millions, and was infamous for his cold blooded killings, and his short, fiery temper-that is, until he left nine years ago. Obi Wan softened his expression, remembering that Anakin was his beloved brother, and that he had tried his best to lead an honorable life after his mistakes, “Anakin, Senator Ami- I mean, Padmé,” he smiled in their general direction, “what brings you here today?”

         Anakin could sense Obi Wan’s quiet hostility, so he tried to seem as kind and un-menacing as possible, “if you let us inside, we would be glad to explain the situation,” Anakin gestured inside the hut.

         Obi Wan nodded, the couple walked in, and he shut the door behind them, “please, sit down,” he took a seat himself, crossing his legs and sinking down in the wicker chair like it was the most luxurious chair he had ever sat in. Obi Wan stroked his beard thoughtfully, and, after a moment of silence, gestured at Anakin, “well? Explain.”

         Anakin took a deep breath, exhaling slowly, “to put it shortly, our children have been taken by the Empire. We want you to help us get them back.”

         “What! You mean you want me to go inside the Death Star, to help you find your children?”

     “Yes, I do.”

     Obi Wan stroked his beard, “you mean, like old times, when we went on missions for the Jedi Council?” He thought for a couple more moments, “I suppose you'll need a better ship?”

      “Of course. So, are you game, or not?” Anakin sat in quiet anticipation, his arm wrapped protectively around Padmé's petite shoulders.

       Obi Wan took a deep breath, and then exhaled slowly, as though preparing for his execution, “yes.” His graceful, yet bold accented voice echoed for a moment, and then Anakin literally jumped for joy, nearly bouncing off the walls and then forced himself to sit down quietly. If he had jumped any harder, the small, few windows in the house would have given out and shattered.

      “So where are we getting the ship? It seems as though you had a specific place in mind?” Anakin struggled to hold himself still, his voice charged with excitement, like the ends of an electrostaff- charged with energy.

      “Well, if you follow me, I think I have just the place in mind. It has quite a few smugglers who would lend a ship to us for a few druggats.”

      Anakin stood up with Padmé, and gestured toward the door, “lead the way.”

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