{04}Casey Is A Douche

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OMG I'm so sorry. It took me a month to update. A MONTH. I will be back to updating every day or every 2 days again now :)

When Casey and I finally reach a manhole cover, I practically punch it off. I am desperate to get out.

My dragon side wants freedom.

As soon as I leave the sewers, I spread my wings and take flight, quickly moving to the top of the building next to us, leaving Casey to scramble up the side of the building by himself.

However, me leaving him to do the task himself doesn't dampen his excitement. I sigh.

This might be a long hour or two, I note.

As I expected, he continues to ramble on about how cool this is. I get it, I want to say. I'm a dragon shapeshifter. With element abilities from my mouth.

"Really, Leo!" He says. My ears twitch.

"This is so metal! It's cooler that April having psychic abilities!" He continues.

I turn to him, non-existent eyebrow raised. "Really Casey? These are psychic powers we're talking about here."

"You can shift into three forms!" Casey exclaims. "Three! And you have powers too!"

"You mean traditional dragon element breathing abilities from legends and stories."

"Nuh-uh. Powers."

"Ugh, fine. But seriously. When she gets the powers right, she'll be able to crush me."

"You'll be able to escape it."

I sigh heavily. He can be so stubborn when he's set on an opinion sometimes.

"Let's just keep moving," I sigh.

My tail shifts a little before I take off, Casey right behind me.

I smile at the feeling of the wind rushing past my face.

"So you have managed to keep this secret hidden for every year of your life?" Casey asks.

I smile. "Heheh, yes. Yes I have. Hasn't always been easy."

Casey continues to ask questions and I continue to provide answers-mainly so he won't pelt me with them again later.

Everything is all well and good until I hear Casey let out a laugh that is barely audible to normal ears.

"Hey Leo," Casey says. I flap my wings a few times so I can simple fly instead of running while I look at him.


"What would you say to outsourcing some of the dragon-slaying?"

I turn around so I don't show him my discomfort as I frown, growling quietly. I simply don't answer. To my surprise, Casey doesn't push for an answer. I smirk. Maybe he made the wrong decision there for once.

With a strong flap of my wings, I flew over a gap between buildings before folding my wings, letting myself fall to the rooftop before starting to run like a normal ninja again.

After a few moments, I hear Casey's voice again.

"Hey Leo? Uhh... could I maybe have a ride? I mean, it would be cool to see the city in the ways you can."

I smirk, a plan instantly forming in my mind.

"Why not," I answer, swiftly transforming into the body of a full dragon.

Once Casey is on my back, I take off, flying at high speeds towards the sky. Casey whoops, excited, although he's gripping my scales for dear life.

My wings fold and I plummet to the ground. A few dragon-tail lengths from a rooftop, I unfold my wings, flapping a few times before doing a barrel roll. Quickly, I take off into high in the sky again.

I know Casey well enough to tell that he's going to let go when he starts whooping again.

Waiting for the perfect moment, I wait for Casey to lift his arms into the air before flipping myself upside down.

Casey plummets to the ground, while I rumble in laughter, using the shadows of the night to dive after him and not have anyone notice as I shift into my half turtle half dragon form.

He falls right into an alleyway. I time it perfectly, using a strong flap of my wings to push him into a dumpster half full of trash.

Flying to the lid, barely containing my laughter, I say, "You, my good sir, are a douche..."

Quickly, I use my tail to flip the lid shut. I then crouch beside it, laughing quietly.

Casey struggles out of the dumpster. "Seriously Leo?"

I step out of my small hiding place. "You said, 'what would you say to outsourcing some of the dragon-slaying'," I point out, smiling a little at his face.

He groans. "Okay, okay."

I shrug and then look at the manhole cover. "Let's go back," I say. "If I don't get back to the lair soon, the others are going to wonder where I am."

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