{12}I Didn't Want to Hurt You

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"I didn't want to hurt you..."

"What do you mean?" April asks me. She isn't an animal, but her head is tilted slightly with mingled confusion and curiosity.

"I..." I began to answer, "I heard what Donnie said in the lab, so that fills in some of the story..." I took a deep breath, and knowing they'd ask me what that story I am talking about, I started before they could ask.

"To be honest, I had no idea if I was already part dragon or if it became part of me laDarn itter in life. Now I know it was the latter," I started. "At the first dragon instincts and sounds, I freaked out. I ran into the tunnels, and that's when I first shifted." I exhale slowly before taking in another breath. "I don't know how I do it. I just can. It comes naturally to me, like walking or breathing... But when I did it for the first time, I was freaked out. I'd never had a tail, wings or even just visible ears before. My eyes and the fangs... everything was staring at me right in the face. I was scared my new two forms would hurt you. So I never revealed them. Over time I knew them better and had better control... but I couldn't bring myself to tell you after hiding the secret for too long. I..."

I breathe in a shaky breath as I look down in a futile attempt to hide the tears threatening to spill from in-between my lids.

"I was scared you'd reject me for what I'd become."

A single tear slides down my cheek, leaving a thin trail of wet, green skin behind. I realise I'm still in my halfway-between form and bite my lip out of faint embarrassment. My fangs draw no blood.

Should I add in my new... my new powers? I ponder, however, this train of thought is cut off when Michelangelo pulls me into a tight hug, ignoring the fact I still have my wings, ears, fangs, claws, tail among other things.

"Bro!" He exclaims. "We could never abandon you! This is epic!"

Hesitantly, I hug him back slightly. "Thanks Mikey..."

"No problemo!" Michelangelo says with a laugh.

Someone else suddenly joins in the hug, and I'm surprised to see Raphael has decided to make it a group hug. Donatello and April soon join in the hug, eventually followed by Sensei. My cheeks burn red in embarrassment, but even so, I hold my hand out towards Casey.

He's family- this hug can't be complete without him.

That sounds cheesy, doesn't it.

Anyway, Casey shrugs and takes my hand, only for me to drag the vigilante into the hug.

And please. Don't think it's cute.

The battle with my instincts earlier, and maybe trying to use my new powers, however, has drained me- I'm very sure I will kick myself for this repeatedly several times later- so I did, unfortunately, fall asleep.

When I wake up a small while later, I find myself in my room, still halfway between my two forms, curled up tightly in a ball, still wearing my gear.

Darn it. Kick one.

Out of pure habit, I shift into a full turtle before walking out of my room.

When I enter the main living space, Raphael, who is reading a comic, notes, "Hey, the dragon-boy's awake."

I can't help it, I let out a long growl of pure irritation, however as soon as it leaves me, I slap my hands over my mouth.

"Hey, bro!" Michelangelo exclaims. "We know! You don't have to hide it anymore, remember?"

I laugh sheepishly as Michelangelo pulls away. "Oh, yeah." I shift back to halfway before asking, "Where are Casey and April?"

"April's in the dojo," Raphael announces. "Casey had ta go home. Hockey practise or somethin'."

I inhale deeply before asking, "Erm... are you... are you really afraid of me?" I look away. "If you are, it's understandable."

"No," is Raphael's curt reply as Michelangelo shakes his head vigorously.

I sigh. "You asked if you were going to eat me."

"Maybe a little," Donatello says as he continues to type away on his laptop. "Okay. More than a little, but we are. It's hard to explain. Like, we know you won't hurt us, and so on, but... why is this so hard to explain..." his voice lowered into a mutter.

My wings and tail curl around me a slight bit as I look down. "Understood." I close my eyes.

The damage has been done. And... I'm not sure if I can fix it.




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