{09}The Great Escape

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I'm not surprised to find myself in Donatello's lab when I wake up.

Donatello stands by the table, several beakers, test tubes, test pots and more scattering the table-although most are empty.

There are a few filled with both clear and red substances-my blood and something else that I have no idea what the name for it is.

I'm certain I'm still in my dragon form. That is a big relief-they haven't found out from that.

I growl with annoyance. They actually caught me.

I can't help but wonder how long I have been out for, so I glance at the clock, realising that I need to escape and shift to a normal mutant turtle within half an hour or the others are going to get suspicious. Due to this, I sigh heavily-although, since I'm in my dragon form, the actual sound that comes from my mouth is a long growl.

This causes everyone in the room except for Casey, who was already looking at me with a frown, to jump and turn in my direction.

"And it's awake," Raphael says sarcastically.

"I think I have enough now as it is," Donatello says. I'm guessing that he's talking about the two substances he's collected from my body. I must have missed part of a conversation. "The Kraang have left earth since we defeated them in 'Dimension X', but this dragon might have been left to do... something for them."

I growl again, making Michelangelo, who was slowly approaching me, jump back. I am not helping the Kraang!

Still growling, I swish my tail along the ground several times before crouching down, curling my wings and tail around myself, leaving only my eyes visible.

The door opens, and Splinter walks in. He notices me lying on the ground and his eyebrows rise a little. He opens his mouth to speak, but I shake my head, pleading inside my head for him not to say anything.

I think he gets the message I'm trying to say, for he does not speak and walks over to April and Donatello. The others, including a hesitant Casey, follows.

I can hear him murmuring something to them, however all my dragon ears pick up is changing voice tones, rising and lowering like waves and the sea.

And then, everyone starts to follow him out the door, me tilting my head in confusion.

"What about the dragon?" Michelangelo asks.

"We chained it to the wall, shell-for-brains," Raphael retorts. I look down to see that Raphael is right. On my front two legs are tight chains.

Casey pauses. I nod for him to leave, whispering, "I can escape by myself," as quietly as my dragon form will allow me.

I wait for the door to slide shut before transforming quickly, going halfway between the species at first.

As soon as my hand is the size of a mutant turtles, I-with a bit of struggling-take my hands out of the chains.

With a flap of my wings, I am on the roof of the lab, using my claws to hang upside down. Checking nobody is coming through the door, I glide to the garage door, slipping underneath the open door.

At once, I transform into a normal mutant turtle, running for the regular entrance to the lair.

I run in, calling, "I'm here!"

Casey has a slightly relieved expression.

Michelangelo walks past the slightly open doors to the lab to greet me, pausing when he sees inside. "Woah, dudes!" He exclaims, non-existent eyebrows raised with surprise. April, Raphael and Donatello run to his side.

Casey and I walk to Michelangelo's side as well, both of us trying to trying to act casual.

"The dragon has escaped!"

Sure, the dragon has escaped, but the person who is the dragon hasn't.

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