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Jungkook pov
Hoseok hyung found me. He saw my pathetic body. He knows I'm disgusting. They're going to kick me out of the group. Lee is going to find out. He's going to hurt me. He's going to hurt Taehyung or Jimin. Hoseok hyung wants me to tell everyone what's happening. I should leave.

I sat motionless inside the now cold tub. The water was a dirty red thanks to the blood. "Jungkookie?" A fluffy voice called out from behind the door. Immediately I recognized the voice as Jimin's. His voice used to make me smile no matter what, but now smiling is a foreign concept to me.

"Kookie I brought you some clothes, can I come in?" Jimin asked, innocence laced in every word. As if he doesn't know the severity of the situation. I used to be innocent, I yearn to have it back.

"Kookie?" Jimin asked followed by a soft knock. I can picture his cute hands tapping on the door. "Go away." I mumbled, the pain in my heart worse than the one in my butt. My heart raced when the nob on the door turned, Hoseok hyung didn't lock it? Frantically I grabbed the shower curtain and pulled it across the tub to hide my disgusting body. "Jungkook are you okay?" Jimin questioned with the same blissful innocence. I wanted to lie. I wanted to tell Jimin that I'm fine but I can't lie to my hyungs. It hurts to much.

"No I'm not okay." I mumbled, my throat still burning from being fucked. I heard Jimin set the clothes down then it was silent. Did he leave? "Jungkook I love you, the hyungs love you, we don't care what happened." Jimin stated, his words still holding that fluffy innocence that I love so much. "I'm disgusting." I sobbed even though no tears would fall. I refused to believe Jimin's words. No one can ever love me after what happened. I jumped when Jimin suddenly pulled the shower curtain away, my hands immediately going to cover my manhood. Jimin seemed unfazed by the murky water and my naked body. His eyes focusing on mine. Does he not care about my privacy? No one cares about my privacy. No one cares how I feel. They just use me, fuck me until I'm useless!

"Get out!" I screamed. My sadness suddenly turned into to anger and before I knew it I was standing up. Using all my rage I pushed Jimin backwards, his small body immediately crashing onto the floor. Jimin was frozen on the floor, his eyes wide like a deer caught in head lights. I was frozen too. I just hurt Jimin hyung. The most caring person ever. I'm also standing in a murky tub, naked, with all my bruises and hickeys on display. Suddenly Hoseok sprinted into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I watched as he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. Before helping me to step out of the tub. Jimin slowly stood up, his eyes glued to me in case I decided to hurt him again. I never meant to hurt him. "Jimin please leave." Hoseok said with a rushed tone as he dried my hair. Jimin was silent, his eyes still glued to me and that's when I noticed the crystal tears collecting in his lashes. "Jimin now!" Hoseok demanded. Jimin snapped out of his trance and quickly fled the bathroom. I hurt Jimin.

"It's not your fault kookie." Hoseok assured, as if he could read my thoughts. I was silent as Hoseok helped me into my clothes, except for the hisses of pain that would escape when Hoseok ghosted over a bruise. "Come on, let's take you to your room." Hoseok cooed as he guided me out of the bathroom. Every step I took was filled with pain but this pain was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. I physically hurt Jimin. That's something I thought I'd never do on purpose.

I stopped in front of Jimin's bedroom door, the silence making me worried. "Come on kookie, you need to rest." Hoseok urged as he gently tugged my arm. I shook my head and yanked my arm out of my hyungs grip. "I'm going to apologize to him." I mumbled with as much confidence I could muster. Hoseok seemed shocked but let me go nonetheless.

Hesitantly I knocked on Jimin's door, the action feeling foreign. I was surprised when Taehyung opened the door, he seemed just as surprised too. "Kookie are you ok?" Taehyung asked shyly, his fingers twitching at his sides. Usually Taehyung is always hugging me or touching me in some way. He's scared to touch me. My own hyungs are scared to touch me. "Can I talk to Jimin?" I asked, the burn in my throat weakening my words. Taehyung's shoulders slumped as his head nodded in defeat. "I want to talk to you too hyung." I assured. Taehyung instantly perked up and yanked me into the unfamiliar bedroom. Jimin smiled sadly from his spot on Taehyung's bed, his eyes puffy from crying. "What do you want to talk about kookie?" Taehyung asked innocently as he sat me down on the bed next to Jimin. Pain shot up my spine but I decided to ignore it and explain everything to my hyungs.

Taehyung and Jimin stared at me with confused eyes, sadness prominent against the other emotions. I opened my mouth to speak but fear shoved the words back down. They're going to hate me. I flinched when Taehyung rested his hand on my thigh and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I used to love when Tae did this but now it makes me uncomfortable. With a heavy heart I moved my leg away from Tae's hand. Taehyung frowned but accepted my decision. Thank God. "We love you no matter what Jungkook." Jimin's fluffy voice stated. "Yeah kookie, we'll always love you." Taehyung added, his deep tone soothing the burn in my heart. I frowned, my hyungs really do love me. I've been such an asshole. "I'm sorry hyungs." I whispered. Jimin and Taehyung exchanged glances before giving me their undivided attention. Here goes nothing. I trust them. They are my hyungs. They love me. No matter what.

"I-I was raped."

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