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I wake up feeling very drained. I roll over and expect Adam to be there but the bed is empty. I open my eyes and see a little note on my bedside table.

Took my brother home, he wanted to say bye but I wanted to let you sleep. If you're free I'll buy you lunch or something.

-Adam J

I smile a little and have a shower. I wonder why he does the whole bad boy thing. He is a pretty good guy without the façade. Minus the IPod thing he is a nice person. He really seemed to care yesterday. The thought makes me blush a little.

I get dressed and text Adam that I'm awake and thanks for the note then I call my dad.

"Hey dad." I say as he answers.

"Hey princess." He says with a yawn.

"Did I call at a bad time?" I ask.

"Not at all, I just don't get a lot of sleep that's all." he says.

"OK dad, how is everything? I was a little worried." I ask.

"Everything is fine, the worst bit for me is the food. I've been craving our biscuits." He says and I gasp slightly, the second he mentioned them I start craving them too.

"Well, I'll make sure you have some for when you come back." I say.

"I'm looking forward to it princess, but I've got to go now. I love you."

"Love you too dad." I say and he hangs up.

I go downstairs and check I have the ingredients. I smile and pour out the ingredients into a bowl. I connect my phone to the built in speakers in the kitchen and develop from humming to singing.

I hear a knock at the door so I turn down the music and answer the door.

"Adam, hey." I say with a smile. "Come in." I say with a smile. Daniel walks in behind him but he is entranced by Adams phone.

"Sorry, I wanted to come alone but no one could babysit, and I told him to text you but he obviously forgot." Adam says.

"Don't worry, its fine." I say with a smile.

"Adam, your phone died." Daniel says.

"You can charge it here if you want." I say.

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver." He says and I plug his phone in.

"Adam I'm bored now." Daniel says.

"You can help me finish making biscuits if you want." I say and Daniel seems to light up. "OK, let's go to the kitchen." I say and Daniel holds my hand as I lead them to the kitchen.

I make sure Daniel washes his hands then I let him mix the ingredients together. I wipe my hands as I watch him.

"Are you ok?" Adam asks me quietly.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks." I say with a smile.

"Daniel seems to really like you." He says.

"Who wouldn't like me?" I ask sarcastically as I get a baking tray and parchment paper out.

"I don't know." He says and I smile. "Did I just make you blush?" he asks surprised.

"No." I say.

"Yes I did." He says arrogantly. He pokes at my ribs and makes me squirm. I stumble a bit and Adam catches me. We don't move much and for a second I think he is about to kiss me.

"Amy, I think it's done." Daniel says and I walk to him

"Well done, that's great." I say. "Now we have to roll them into balls and flatten them a bit in the middle, like this." I say and show him. Daniel starts rolling the dough and I turn to Adam.

"Do you want to help?" I ask. He shrugs and washes his hands. As we grab more dough our hands graze. With each touch a type of tension grows between me and Adam, but it seems as if only we can feel it as Daniel seems normal.

As Daniel gets the last little bit of dough I quickly wash my hands and use it to cool my face. I put the biscuits in the oven and I stretch.

"Well that will take about fifteen minutes to cook and stuff." I say.

"Can I watch TV?" Daniel asks.

"Sure." I say and Daniel runs off.

I get a damp cloth and I start wiping everything down.

"You ok? You look a little hot." Adam says.

"Yeah, it's the oven." I say as I switch to a dry cloth.

"Amy, can I tell you some-"

"I'm going the bathroom, I'll be right back." I say quickly and I lock myself in the downstairs bathroom.

My mind races. I like him, so what? That's fine but he likes me back according to Daniel, what is he is going to tell me, what do I say, what if, what if, what if?

I take a deep breath and tell myself that he isn't going to say that, it's all in my head. It has to be.

I flush the toilet and I go outside. Adam sits next to Daniel on the sofa so I sit on the leather chair adjacent to them. We watch a random show until the timer is done.

"I'll get the biscuits out of the oven." I say as I stand.

"Can I have one please?" Daniel asks.

"Of course, once they're cool." I say and Daniel nods.

I go to the kitchen and take the biscuits out and put them on the stove while I get out a cooling rack. Once they have cooled enough I put them on the cooling rack with a spatula.

"Wow it smells good in here." Adam says as he walks in.

"Thanks." I say and give him a small smile, I put the last biscuit on the rack and I start washing the tray.

"So, where did you get the recipe?" He asks.

"When me and my dad lived in Spain he got it off of one of his patents, it was this old woman who was so sweet." I say and smile at the memory.

"You have a nice smile." He says and leans on the counter next to me.

"Thanks." I say, just a little louder than a whisper.

"Look, Amy, why are you acting so weird? It's a compliment." He says.

"I'm not being weird." I say but it lacks confidence.

"Do you want me to stop? If it makes you uncomfortable I will, but you deserve to be complimented every once in a while." He says.

"No, it's ok, I'm sorry." I say.

"Amy, I care about you, I'm not going to hurt you." He says. I look down. I hear him let out a deep breath and he hugs me, I hug him back for what feels like forever.

"I care about you too." I say and I see his eyes change a little, I can't decipher how though. He leans in a little and I don't feel threatened this time.

"Amy, are they ready yet?" Daniel asks from the next room.

"Yeah, I'll bring some out now." I say and I get out a plate and I start stacking the slightly warm biscuits on a plate.

Adam and I walk back into the living room and we start eating.

"Oh my god." Adam says.

"They're so good Amy." Daniel says.

"Thanks." I say and laugh a little.

We stay like that for a lot of the rest of the day. I give them some biscuits for their place and Adam promises to come back tomorrow alone. That night I wonder what will happen tomorrow, but sleep soon takes over my brain.



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