• Valentine's Day •

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  Happy Valentines Day loves! I hope those of you who have a s/o enjoy you're time, and enjoy all of your gifts and such! And for you guys who don't (like me), don't spend all your money on chocolate and video game merchandise! (Also me)


It was one of those rare days, where Noctis Lucis Caelum didn't hiss at the rising sun, and hide back under the covers, and only arise out of bed to violently pull them back together. It was a special day where he hesitantly awoke when he felt the light hit his cheek, and (reluctantly) waltzed into the kitchen while you were still fast asleep (after making sure that the curtains were drawn so they wouldn't disturb your slumber too. )

It was Valentine's Day.

He only did such a brave act on important days, such as this one and your birthday. Yes, the sleepy prince emo pants would rise along with the sun, and drag his ass into the kitchen to make you the best breakfast in bed he was capable of. Sure, it was a nice thing to do, and he had to do something for you on Valentine's Day, but he also loved it when you'd smile at the surprise, and how your cheeks would flush at the affectionate action...and how you'd sometimes laugh at his burnt toast. Burnt toast or not, you still loved it.

Noctis sighed, and padded into the kitchen, where he could see the cars rushing through streets and passing walkers down below him from the grand windows of his apartment. The sky served as walls with those things, the colourful dawn sky of a pale blue eternity with warm colours seeping down into the horizon. It truly was a sight that could distract him. But he shook his head, and determinedly turned over to the fridge, where he pulled out various breakfast food ingredients, cringing as he pulled out the loaf of bread, already certain he'd burn it.

He sighed and cracked his fingers, and did a fairly common, but out of character Noctis thing; he pulled his unruly, bedridden ebony locks into a small ponytail, his fringe still hanging loose in front of his vision. He knew it didn't do much with his sight, but sometimes things would get intense in the kitchen, and it was nice in his opinion to have his hair out of the way, and off his shoulders (literally).

Noctis started throwing things together, recalling his past mistakes and mishaps from previous times like this, hoping to get it perfect. Then again, he always tries, but this year he was absolutely sure of it, only a small bit of doubt in his mind, thanks to the goddamn toast.

He was smiling widely as he neared the end, spending an hour full of the most precision he's had in his entire life. Noctis was beaming like the sun, mainly because he hadn't came across one mess up all morning, and he was practically chanting 'you got this. You finally did it. You didn't mess up once' in his head over and over again, shaking from excitement.

Neatly placing plates of eggs and (pancakes or waffles, what ever you prefer) onto a fancy silver tray, with a single red, decorative velvety plush rose standing in a tall vase, the stem destorted in view of the water. Noctis smiled inwardly to himself, as he picked up the tray with delicate hands, nervousness racking his entire body, his palms clammy from the tension he felt.

He slowly waltzed over to the door of his bedroom (in which you had crashed in last night, because the six forbid you sleep on the couch ever), making no sound, his socks removed for precautionary measures. He learned it was best to do that after the second birthday he tried this. He finally reached his door, and started his attempt in balancing the rather heavy tray on his palm, his other hand hovering over the metallic door handle. But of course, Noctis always has a way with bad luck.

A loud springing noise echoed through the flat, coming from the far edge of the kitchen, making the young prince jump in surprise, resulting in the kind gesture literally fallling onto the floor- just like that. He watched the platter fall onto the wooden floors in slow motion, his face in complete disbelief. It clattered to the ground, the beautiful vase shattering as well.

He raked his fingers through his black tresses, his jovial outlook on the situation completely flopped into one of stress, as he desperately racked his mind of something he could do. He was mentally cursing himself out, too frustrated to deal with the mess that was piled at the foot of his door. Noctis had sadly just decided to pick up the mess, moping the whole time he did so. As he went into the kitchen to throw away the remnants of his gesture, he took a peak at the toast that stood still in the toaster. He scowled at it. "You ruin everything, I hope you know that. Fucking toast." He angrily shoved the contents of the dustpan into the garbage bin, hearing a light chuckle from behind him.

"Now dear Noctie, what did the poor toast do to you?" You asked, standing in the doorway of his bedroom, innocently staring at him, knowing in full the childish grudge he held at the food. You could see his smile in the eyes, but he hid it and looked away furrowing his eyebrows. "Everything." He answered, chuckling and giving into the comical situation. Noctis turned to face you, smirking as you padded over in his direction.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Noctis." You placed a light kiss on his nose, wrapping your arms around his neck. He smiled, and returned the favour, embracing your waist. "Right back at you, (y/n)." He sighed, and looked back at the toast. "Well, you know, since I kinda threw the breakfast on the floor..I'm sorry." He mumbled, lifting one hand to scratch the back of his neck. You laughed, and leaned in closer to him. "Here, I'll make a deal with you- how about you come back to bed, and we can go back to sleep. Deal?" You said sweetly, watching his eyes light up like a child.

"Now how did a prince like me deserve you?" He jokingly asked, leaning his forehead against yours. "Well, I mean, a pretty face can do more than you think prince charmless."  He smirked, and picked you up bridal style. "Well, we can figure that out later; for now, lets  just go sleep our hearts out."

Happy Valentines Day you lovely people!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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