Chapter 1

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Leo's pov

Six a.m I wake up to N slightly shaking me, "Leo wake up we have a busy schedule today," I moan in return rolling away from him. He then chuckled and walked out the room probably to wake the other members.
I slowly get out of bed and head out to the kitchen and start to prepare breakfast for the others since no one besides myself and N can really cook.
As I'm preparing todays breakfast I hear the others coming out into the living room. "Wow hyung it smells so good what are we having today," Ken says nearly jumping up and down with excitement.
I seriously don't know how someone can wake up so energetic, "uh today I thought I'd make a western breakfast, bacon and eggs with toast" I say as Ken watches me break the eggs into the hot pan.

"Good morning hyungs, omo! Leo your the best for making us breakfast, if it wasn't for you we would starve," Hyuk yells as he hugs me. I turn to look at Hyuk glaring at him as he meets my eyes he quickly lets go and runs off laughing.

N comes over to see how things are going, "how much longer?"

"It's ready now I just have to serve it up," I replied.

"Okay, I will round up the kids" N says as he walks off calling everyone to the table. As I start to place the plates on the table I notice Ravi isn't awake yet, that sleepy head can sleep through anything I thought as I let out a soft sigh.

"Ken please go wake Ravi before his food gets cold," orders N. With that Ken jumps up from the table and runs to Ravi's and his room. A couple of minutes later a high pitched squeal followed by the sight of a dripping wet Ravi chasing Ken fills the living room, N quickly gets up to sort out the situation while the other members start laughing and finish their breakfast.

While N tells Ken off Ravi walks to the table his night clothes are soaking wet his white tank top that is to big for him is see through and clinging to his muscular chest, I can't help but stare at his perfect image. "Alright everyone please hurry and finish getting ready we have a busy schedule today and our manager has something important to annouce, so lets hurry up," the sound of N's serious leader voice snaps me back to reality.

What is wrong with me can't seem to get Ravi's image out of my mind I shake my head as I get up and head to my room to shower. "Why am I thinking like this? Ravi is just my friend and fellow member nothing more, pull yourself together Leo," I mumble to myself as I head out to the other members.


Hi everyone this is my very first time writing a fanfic so I apologize if it's bad :) I really hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. Please vote so I know to continue with the story as there will be lots to look forward to.

Edited 05/03/17

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