⚠Special chapter⚠

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Warning this chapter is going to be a smut chapter. If your uncomfortable reading this please skip it. This chapter will not continue on with the story line, it will just be a more detailed version of where the previous chapter left off.

I will update with a proper chapter very soon.

Also i apologize if this isnt very good as its my first time writing smut.

Anyway here goes 😉

This chapter will be in my pov unless stated otherwise.


After Ravi and Leo were left alone in the room things got heated very quick.
Ravi pulled away from Leo's soft lips as the both gasped for air.
"Mmmm, how about we try out the hot spring over there" Ravi whispered into Leo's ear while pointing outside.
All Leo could do was nod as Ravi's lustful gaze never moved away from him.
Ravi took Leo by the wrist and led him towads the hot spring. They both stripped down but keept their boxers on for now as they entered into the warm water. At first Leo was a bit awkward so Ravi decided to pull Leo onto his lap so he had Leo's  back resting on his chest.

Ravi's pov

Leo was now sitting on my lap facing away from me. I felt him trying to turn around so i stopped him by kissing his neck "mmm no you will stay like this for now" Leo could sense the lust in my deep husky voice so he just nodded and let out a small moan.
I continued to place kisses on his neck some were slightly harder than others and i could hear his moans getting louder, which was driving me crazy. I took his neck into my mouth and bit down causing the Leo to cry out. As i was makring my boyfriends neck i placed one of my hads on the inside of his thigh whlie the other was wrapper around his chest.
My hand slowly moved up his thigh as i gradually reached his hard member. I softy ran my fingers over it causing leo to gasp. "Mmm Ravi..." Leo moaned as i started to rub his hard member through his boxers.

Leo's moaning was driving me crazy as i teased him i didn't know how much longer i could hold out, so i decided to turn him to face me. Before making him sit back on my lap i took off my own boxers. "Leo.. take off your boxers" my voice was deep and husky. I could see leo blushing and getting a bit shy, so i pulled him closer and took his boxers off for him while kissing him passionately.
During the kiss i pulled him back onto my lap.

He placed his arms around my neck as i placed my hands on his waist. Leo seemed to be a bit nervous so i gave him a reassuring smile " its ok i promise i will be gentle. We will go as slow as you need to. Ok?" I said softly.
"Ok i want this" leo said softly as he bit his lip, i let out a deep rumble as i didnt think it was possible to be turned on anymore than i was.

I pull Leo closer to me as the tip of my member teases his hole. I slowly sit Leo onto my member untill i am completely inside him. I couldnt hold in my moan is i entered Leo. I satyed still for a moment allowing him to ajust to my hard member.
"Ravi start moving ... please ... " his moan was full of need, so i did as my boyfriend wanted.
I started to thrust my hips slowly causing Leo to moan louder.
Leo was biting his lip as he put his head back. I took this opportunity to start kissing his neck and collar bone.

While still trusting i decided to take his hard member in my hand and started palming it in time with my thrusts.

Leo's pov

I could feel Ravi starting to play with my hard member while his member flilled my ass. I couldn't hold in my moans as they kept getting louder the longer we went on.
"Oh Ravi mmmmm oh .." i moaned
"Ravi i am so close "i cried out
"Mmm so am i babe oh god your so tight"
"Go faster please i can't hold on much more" i moan as i bit my lip and put my head into Ravi's neck.
I could feel Ravi getting faster and faster untill neither of could hold on any longer. We both moaned as we climaxed together. My body was trembling with extacsy as i fell into Ravi's chest. Our breathing was heavy as we sat in each others arms.
"I love you so much Leo, i promise that will never change. I will always be there to protect you" Ravi said as he kissed my forhead.
"I love you too" i whispered as i slowly drifted to sleep.

Authors pov

Ravi picked Leo up and wraped a towel around his waist before gently putting him in bed. He then dried himself off and climbed in bed next to his partner. Ravi couldn't help but think about how lucky he was to have leo in his life. " good night my love sweet dreams " Ravi whispered while placing a soft  kiss on Leo's cheek. Before he to fell asleep with Leo in his arms.


Haha i am so sorry if this is cringy 😂😂

Anyway i will post the next chapter very soon.

Again sorry for cringing you out 😂😂

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