Chapter 10

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Leo's pov

It's been a week since i was released from hospital. It has also been a week since we confessed to each other. So far things have been normal nothing seems to have changed betewwn us, which makes me a little sad i was hoping to at least move forward with him. I let out a small sigh as i walk into the practice room, we have been here everyday practicing our routine for our new song 'Beautiful Liar'.

"Hey Leo, i was wondering what your doing this Saturday? I look over to Ravi who is smiling at me from the other side of the room.
"I have to record my parts for our song in the morning but after that im free" i said smiling.
"Ok well Ken and Huyk want to take you to the movies and asked me to tell you".
"Oh um ok then tell them ill go" i let out a sigh and continued playing on the piano. I was hoping we would be going on a date or at least spending time with each other. But i guess i was just fooling myself i mean we havent even made what ever we are official.

Ravi's pov

Poor Leo he looks so depressed it hurts to see him like this but i promise it will all be worth it.
I pull out my phone and message the group chat i made that Leo isnt in.

Ravi: yo mission is set.

Ken: what did you tell him to get him to leave the house?

Ravi:  i told him that you and Hyuk are taking him to see a movie ;)

Hyuk: what? Why do i have to go? Leo Hyung scares me and he hates leaving the dorm so he is already going to be mad :,(

Ken: its ok baby Hyukkie ill look out for you ..... unless Leo hyung is REALLY mad ... then im running away  😂😂

N: did he suspect anything?

Ravi: no i dont think so. But he did seem really sad after i told him ?

Hyuk: great.. guys if i dont return please kill Ken Hyung for leaving me alone 😭😭

Hongbin: aww Hyukkie Leo wint hurt you but he might murder Ravi when he gets home for making him go out with Ken :)

Ken: oi~ whats wrong with me i am cute and adorable thats why Ravi sent me and not N 😝

Ravi: ok guys i have to go Leo is watching me and i dont want him to figure out my plan. ✌

N: i think he is onto you he knows you left him out of the chat. He just texted me asking why he wasnt involved. He seems hurt. My poor Daegunie you better make it up to him on Saturday Wonshik. Or else

I didnt bother replying i put my phone back in my bag as it was nearly time to finish up and go home
"Hey Leo did you want to go through the routine once more before we go home?". He didnt say anything just nodded as he went to the cd palyer to put the track on.

Sorry for the slow chapter it will get better soon so please stay tuned :p

Much love xxx

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