Chapter 5

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Leo's pov

Its been 3 weeks since the incident jellyfish entertainment.
Since then ravi and i havent really spoken much except to work on our new album, i dont know why but that hurts like im missing a piece of my heart. I need to talk to N he will know what to do. I pull oit me phone and send a text to N.

To: Hakyeon

Um i have a serious problem i need help..... can we talk please.

From: Hakyeon

Sure ill be back at the dorm at 2 meet in our room. And dont worry my Taekwoonie eomma will help you <33

To: Hakyeon

... please dont call me that ._.

I put my phone away and decide to write lyrics for my solo on the album.

*Today, I have something to tell you
Something I couldn't tell you before
I was happy even though I didn't smile much
It was at least a precious memory for me
In case you grew far away, in case you disappeared*

I hear a small knock on my door before it opens and N walks in and sits on his bed, at first he doesnt say anything he just keeps giving me this weird smile, its kind of creeping me out but before i could say anything he started to talk.
"So my little Taekwoonie finally has a crush"
I freeze at his words. Wait how did he even know? Omg is it obvious? What if Ravi knows and thats why he is avoiding me?. So many thoughts flooded my mind.
"Leo calm down" N said i didnt notice but i was shaking a little, N sat beside me and hugged me, and i let him untill finally i had the courage to tell him my feelings for Ravi.

We were in the room for a good two hours and when we came out the other member were home and in the living room.
"Hyungs you were here, we were worried something happend to you, where were you both?" Questioned Hyuk
"We werent anywhere we were in our bedroom" i replied quietly.
As i said that Ravi gets up if the sofa and walks to his room.
"Im gonna go see if he is ok , he seems to be down lately." Says Hongbin as he follows atfer Ravi.

Ravi's pov

Why were they in the room together alone for so long? And why couldn't leo look at me when he was talking? Did something happen between them? I kept thinking of different situations to explain what happened out there but all i could seem to come up with was that Leo and N are together..
I slid down the wall to sit on the floor and as i put my head to my knees Hongbin comes into our room.
"Ravi are you ok? You seem to be really down lately and im really worried"
"Its ok. I have had alot on my mind i just cant seem to shake these feelings or thoughts". Hongbin sits beside me and pits his arm around me as we continue to talk, i explain what i have been thinking and how i have feelings for leo.
"Oh wow Ravi thats amazing im so happy for you, so when will you confess to him?" He said as he flashed a huge grin.
"im not sure i can, i think Leo is with N" i say as tears fall down my cheeks.

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