Chapter 7

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Leo's pov

It's now 2am as i run out of the dorm i have to find Ravi there is only one place i can think to look, thats the park around the corner from our dorm there is a path that leads to clearing behind the park thats always secluded so im betting he is there.
After running for a few minutes i finally reach the park, i stop for a second to catch my breath when i hear voices shouting i look to see a group of 4 boys walking towards me. I didnt like the look of them and i felt uneasy so i slowly started to back away i still had to find Ravi.
One of the boys called out "hey pretty boy are you lost we can help take care of you" as he says this the other 3 start laughing as they get closer to me.
I want to run to the clearing but if Ravi is there i dont want to lead these guys to him so i run in the opposite direction and i can hear them behind me as i turn down an ally my heart sinks " crap its a dead end" i mutter to myself as i turn to face the 4 boys who are not blocking the entrance to the ally. Im pretty skilled in taekwondo but i know i cant take on 4 boys alone, think Leo you have to find away out of this.
" aww is the pretty boy scared" the taller boy out of the group said
"We should have some fun with him" said another his smirk gave me chills and i froze. Just thinking about what they meant by fun made me want to vomit.
I decided i would try and run past them but as i did i felt something solid hit my stomach, the boy standing behind the taller boy had hit me out of nowhere causing me to fall to the ground. The leader of the boys told two of them to hold me against the wall while he and the other continued to hit me. I groan loudly from the pain and i started to feel my head getting foggy. " please stop this" i moan
The leader raises his hand and the other boy stops but the two holding me didnt let me go, " ok we will stop hitting you for now if you promise to be a good boy" he said as he started unbottoning my top.
My body froze has he touched me i screamed for help but no sooner had i done that i tasted blood in my mouth, the smaller of the boys had punched me "one more sound and it will be the last thing you ever say" he said while smirking at me.
The leader of the boys kept touching me he started to undo my jeans when they heard someone call out.
" i have called the police they will be here any minute now". With that the boys holding me let go and start running away followed by the others.
After they left i felt my knees give way, but someone caught me before i hit the floor, i look up to see Ravi holding me.
"Leo are you alright im so sorry i didnt get here sooner" he said as he helped me to my feet.
"Ravi please hear me out i i h-ave something you need to hear" i stutter quietly, "Leo we should get you to the hospital then we can talk" .
I simply nodded and let him take me to the hoapital.


Sorry for the drama i struggled writing this chapter :(
My poor taekwoon :(

Thanks again for all the vots and veiws please keep it up.
Much love xx

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