Chapter 2

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Leo's pov

After arriving at Jellyfish entertainment we all headed up stairs to our practice room, N opens the door to find our manager already waiting for us.

"Ok guys gather round i have some very interesting news for you all," Ken and Hyuk are so excited that they can barely contain themselves screaming like little kids.

"You two settle down you will make our manager and N angry," Hongbin shudders before continuing, "we don't want that N is scary when he is mad."

"Did you say something Hongbin?" N glares at Hongbin as he sheepishly shakes his head, "nope I didn't say anything," he says as he sits next to Ravi and Hyuk.

Our manager clears his throat and turns to us, "ok now that we're all settled it's time to discuss some very important information, I am please to let you know that from today VIXX will have its very first sub unit."

Screams from Ken, Hyuk, Hongbin and Ravi cut off the manager before he could finish, "I wonder who will be in the sub unit" Hyuk says.

"I hope it's me," added Ken. "If you lot would settle the manager would be able to finish and tell us who will be in the sub unit," growled N.

The manager just chuckled, "ok back to what Inwas saying, the sub unit will consist of two members," more screams cut off the manager but as soon as N turned to look at the noisy members silence filled the room, I couldn't help but smile a little. As the manager finished explaining he revealed that the members for the sub unit would be Ravi and myself, when I heard that I would be working alone with Ravi my face started to get hot and red, "get a grip Leo," I mumbled to myself shaking my head.

Before the manager left he told the other members that they could have a week for rest while Ravi and I worked on our new project.

"Woo-hoo!" they all cried, "bye guys have fun I'm going to go catch up on one piece!" yelled Ken as he ran out of the room.

"Bye hyungs work hard, fighting!" said Hyuk as he followed after Ken and Hongbin giggling like a little kid.

"Work hard you two and make sure to have a break in between, fighting!~" said N in his motherly tone. After the other members had left it was just Ravi and I, Alone in our practice room. As this ran through my mind my heart started to race and I felt my face going red.

"Ok Leo lets start!" Ravi said excitedly.
"Mmmm," I nodded as I pulled out my note book and pen and sat opposite him at the table, 5 hours passed before we decided to have a break. We were about to head down the the cafeteria when suddenly alarms start sounding and we can hear people running outside. I walked over to the door to see whats going on but before I could open the door, two security guards push the door open.

"Sorry for all the commotion but there are some security issues that we need to take care of so if both of you could stay in here until it's safe, I'll send someone to fetch you when its time," said one of the guards as he shut the door and walked off.

I walked over to my bag and pull out some bread that I kept in my bag just incase I get hungry while working, I gave some to Ravi before returning to my chair eating my bread. "Thanks hyung," Ravi said shoving the bread into his mouth I couldn't help but giggle at the sight. Ravi looks at me as he tilts his head to the side grinning, "uh hyung are you ok? I swear I just heard you laugh," I just nod as I turn away before he could see my checks going red.

After our snack we decide to continue working as we still haven't been given the ok to leave the room.

A few hours pass when we hear a huge crashing sound and moments later everything goes dark, I use the torch on my phone to look around the room when I noticed Ravi was gone.

I hope this chapter is better and you continue reading please enjoy.
Also next chapter will be Ravi's pov.

:) xx

edited 05/03/17

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