Chapter 8

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Leo's pov

Ravi had taken me to the hospital and right now we are just waiting for the doctor to come back with the test results. Ravi gets up from his chair and heads to the door "im going to call N to let him know whats happened i will be back soon" he said as he left. While he was gone the doctor came back and told me i had to stay over night so they could keep an eye on me.
Moments later Ravi came back " i told N and he is on his way the others are staying at the dorm so you have your space so when N arrives ill leave so you can be alone with him" he said as he leaned against the wall. There was an awkward silence between us so i decided to speak up and fix the situation, " ravi i need to tell you something i know why you ran off and thats why i came to find you as there has been a big mistake" i say as i try to sit up but the pain in my stomach wouldn't allow me to, Ravi must have seen the pain i was in and came colser "Leo lay down your hurt you dont need to get up for me im right here" he replied in a soft tone.
"Ravi i want you to know that im not with N " at first Ravi looked shocked but then he said " stop trying to make me feel better you dont have to hide your relationship because of me i will be fine and ill get over my feelings" his words were blunt and they hurt.
I didnt know what i could say to make hime believe that the person i was in love with was him. Ravi pulls out his phone to read a text " N is on his way up so im going to leave now im sorry Leo but i hope you get better soon" he said he was about to walk away from the bed when i grab onto his shirt, Ravi just stops he doesn't turn to look at me, so i slightly tug on his shirt till he finally turns to face me.
"Leo please let me go" he said and with that i try to get up again to stop him from leaving, but the pain is to much that i let out a cry.
" Ravi please hear me out" was all i could say through the pain, Ravi rushes back to the bed to help me lay back down " stupid Leo i told you to rest i need to you get better " he says with a small sigh.
This time before he could move away from me i grab onto his neck and pull him forward, Ravi's face is shocked as he tried  to stop himself from landing on me but he failed and i pulled him closer into a hug and i whispered into his ear " the only person i love is you Ravi" then i pull away slightly to look into his eyes he looks shocked so i decide to say aloud and to his face so he wont have any doubts about my feelings. I place both may hands on his face and say, " Kim Wonshik you are the only person im in love with please stay with me" then i place a small kiss to his forhead.


Wow i have reached 100 veiws thanks so much for all the support :) please keep voting and ill continue to update frequently :)

I hope your enjoying the story so far feel free to leave comments if you would like to see any specific things happen and i will try to accommodate to your requests :)
Much love xxxx

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