Chapter 18

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Ravi's pov

I woke up to the smell of somthing delicious coming from the kitchen. I roll over to find i was in bed alone, with that i sat up and looked around I notice Leo in the kitchen making breakfast.

It was a perfect picture, there stood the love of my life making breakfast after sharing a special night with each other. I climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up first before heading to the kitchen.
"Mmm babe that smells amazing " i said as i wrapped my arms around his waist. I could see Leo turning red and i couldn't help but laugh a little causing him to turn and look at me
" Yah Ravi go set the table so we can eat " he pouted trying to look upset which only caused me to laugh harder.
" ok ok " i laughed while grapping the stuff for the table.

After breakfast i decided to take Leo out to do some shopping. We had been into many shops and while we were walking towards a cafe a car sped past us, Leo instantly put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him away from the car.
"Thanks" i chuckled " but shouldn't i be protecting you " i said.
Leo just stared at me before saying
" no i want to also protect the person i love. So we can protect each other". His voice was so serious i loved how he also wated to look out for me and i couldn't help but smile.

Leo's pov

While we were walking around i couldn't help but feel nervous. It felt like someone was watching us , but i decided to ignore the feeling and just enjoy the day i was having with Ravi.

Soon Ravi stops us outside a cafe. "Shall we get coffee before going back to our room? " he asked.
My eyes lit up " is that even a question" i said " of course we are going to get coffee " i continued while dragging Ravi behind me as he just laughed.
" im worried that your love of coffee is greater than your love for me " Ravi said with a nervous chuckle as we sat down looking at the menu's,
" hmm i don't know i do love coffee alot " i said while looking up from the menu. I could see Ravi pouting and  acting sad , " but i guess i love you a little bit more than coffee" i said  smirking before reading the menu again.

Jaehyo's pov

I could see MY Leo laughing and having fun with another man. This made me angry. 'Don't worry Leo soon you will be back in my arms. You will never truly be happy with him because i will always be there to remind you that you are always MINE....'

Leo's pov

'That was strange i thought i saw i flash go off' i pushed the though away as it was probably just our satrlights.
Right now there was nothing in the world that could take away what i was feeling. I was so in love with Ravi and i was so greatful to have someone so perfect in my life who loved me for me.

" love you Ravi" i said before drinking my latte.


Hey guys 😁 oh my gosh im so close to having 1000 veiws. Im am soo happy thank you all so much for all your support. I hope you like this chapter 😀😀

The next few chapters wont be so fluffy. ... im sorry 😭😭😭
Please still read my story 😊

Also please continue to vote and comment 😀 i absolutely love  reading what you guys have to say.

Thanks  so much xxx

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