Chapter six: It's a surprise

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Andy echoed, sitting back down next to me on the couch. Frankie nodded, looking slightly evil while the rest of us looked excited and Andy looked confused. She turned to me, as if looking for an answer. I smiled and started to explain. 

"We have this thing we do, trust me it's fun, you'll love it."

She bit her lip and pulled her legs to her chest. 

"I didn't bring a swimsuit..."

Frank shrugged.

"I have a girls swimsuit you can borrow."

We all gave him looks of confusion and he shook his head.

"Don't ask."

Andy looked skeptical but before she could say anything Frank was pulling her off the couch and up the stairs. I heard him talk to her as he tugged her away and rolled my eyes.

"If it doesn't fit we'll forget the whole thing."

I think I heard Andy mumble a weak 'okay' and felt kind of bad, but I didn't have time to think about it cause the three guys left in the basement all started talking at once.

"She seems really nice Gee."

Ray smiled at me sitting down.

"Yeah, I like her, she's cool."

Bob walked over to his drums twirling a stick between his fingers and even Mikey commented.

"Yeah, I can see why you won't shut up about her."

I looked at Mikey, pretending to be absolutely shocked. 

"Mikey Way? Are you saying you don't absolutely hate her?"

He rolled his eyes and plopped down beside me, before playfully punching me in the arm. 

"Yeah maybe."

We sat there for a little while talking about nothing in particular until a sharp scream interrupted us. I was out of my seat and running up the steps before anyone else could register what happened. I sprinted straight to Frank's room, knowing Mikey, Ray, and Bob weren't far behind. I slammed open his door my eyes scanning the room for any signs of blood or pretty dead blondes. But instead I just see Frankie leaning up against his wall and Andy sitting on the floor holding a dog.

"What happened?"

Ray asked, as the rest of the band caught up with me. We were all panting and looking confused. Frankie laughed at us, and my brow furrowed, now was not the time to be laughing. 

"Sweet pea here, scared Andy, but it's all good now, they're friends.'

He shrugged, and Andy smiled at me before continuing to pet the dog, like it was no big deal. Which it was, the way she screamed made it sound like I was going to find her bloody remains hidden under Frank's bed. I sighed and leaned against the doorframe. 

"So are we going swimming?"

Mikey asked, walking into the room and sitting down next to Andy, scratching Sweet Pea's head. 

Andy nodded and Frank smiled. 

"The bathing suit fit."

We laughed at the smugness in his voice, he made it sound like he had personally knitted the swimsuit for her by hand.

"Why do you have a girl bathing suit anyway?"

I questioned again, Frank pinched the bridge of his nose and it looked like he was in pain.

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