Valentine's Day Advice 101

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Valentine's Day

It's officially Valentine's Day and all my friends gave Valentine's to their friends and not me. Oh how I wish we had elementary school Valentine's. Chase Henderson has rejected me once again, and if I could have a dollar for every time he had rejected me, I'd be rich. Anyways, here is some advice on how to spend Valentine's Day alone.

1. Treat yo self. Treating yourself to the coffee shop or bakery or the mall is a great idea.
2. Ignore all the boys and hang out with the girls. Who needs boys on Valentine's Day to feel better?
3. If your friends don't get you a Valentine, then don't even bother talking to them or giving them anything.
4. Have a great sleeping session.

Here is some advice if you have a boyfriend or a special someone.

1. Treat him or her out. Obviously.
2. Boys? Get your girl something special! And ladies? Just enjoy it.
3. Spend time together at school or what not. It's love day.

If you think I can get Chase Henderson by the end of the school day, then you're wrong. He would never have a change of heart.

If you think I have a friend who cares enough to get me something, then you're also wrong.


Avery Elaine

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