Finding True Love in Jesus

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Irealized that today is the first time after 3 years that I'm single forValentine's Day, but I'm excited about that. Not that there should be onespecific day a year where you tell someone how much you love them, I think thatit's really just another day...but I decided that, since other people werecelebrating, I would celebrate too. With that, I decided to spend my Valentine'sDay with Jesus, and I decided to write this journal for y'all to talk about beingsingle, and waiting on God's timing.

I was on my way home from school the other day and as I was listening to the radio something that was said really stuck out to me. "Marriage was not created for happiness, it was created for holiness." Now, they said marriage, but I think it goes with dating relationships too. So many times people will go into a relationship to feel loved, or because they're craving a happiness that they can't find somewhere else so they hope to find it there. I'm sorry, but if you're going in a relationship just to be happy then that relationship is going to fail. All relationships go through rough times, and that's okay, but if your purpose for dating is to be happy then how are you going to make it through those times?

As I just previously mentioned, many people are so desperate for love and for attention that they get discouraged when the person that they have an interest in won't give them the time that they long for. Something that I realized a while ago is that, instead of being discouraged when you're not getting that attention, you should be excited! God is saving you for someone else! Now, I'm not saying that when the person you like is giving you the attention that you crave, that you should run into that person's arms and get into a relationship. What I'm saying is that, just because we have an interest in someone, does not mean that we are meant to be with them. If you like someone and they like you too, then don't be afraid if it doesn't work out. I don't believe in 'one true love', I believe that we are compatible with several different people. I believe that some relationships are simply just meant for growth, not necessarily marriage. I believe that if God has a plan for us to be with someone, that we won't be able to mess that up. "If God wants a thing to succeed-you can't mess it up. If He wants a thing to fail-you can't save it. Rest and just be faithful."

This journal is not just meant for young teens, but I'm talking specifically to y'all in this paragraph. Growing up, a lot of my friends would be in long term 'relationships' or crave relationships. Personally, I even used to crave relationships, not to be happy; it was just because I wanted to find love. I dated a few different people, one of those relationships lasted almost a year and a half...but what I learned from my friends, and my own personal relationships, is that people change. More than likely, the first person we date will not be the person we marry, and that's okay! Throughout high school, even throughout college and beyond, we are going to change and mature! The person we liked in middle school is going to change, and in a few years, they won't be the same. Why rush into a relationship so young and plan our futures because we think that person will stay the same? No matter what our age, we have to trust in God's timing! We have to trust that he has a plan!

Something that I think is really awesome is that my future husband is out there somewhere, and he is praying for me! He's waiting for me to come into his life. God is preparing us to meet each other and come together, and he's going to be a man who will encourage me in my faith. God is going to blow my mind with a love that I didn't know could ever exist, because a man focused on God is going to love me more.

I encourage you to run towards God. I encourage you to make God your one true love, because THAT is where you will find that happiness you crave. Once you're running towards God, and once your happiness is based on God THEN someone will happen to come along, running the same pace you are towards God, and God is going to bring you two together. It may take may take years, but TRUST that God has a plan. Don't settle for someone who is going to distract you from God. Don't settle for someone who loves you more than they love God. Don't settle for someone who God doesn't send your way. If someone comes your way, then I encourage you to pray with them about your possible relationship. A God centered relationship will be one where you both encourage each other to become more like Christ, one where you will have opportunities for spiritual growth. I encourage you to take your time, because someone focused on God will love you more. As you grow with someone, you will be able to grow closer to them if you are both seeking God together, and at the same pace. The closer you get to God, the closer you will get to each other. Get into God's word together, serve and worship God together!

I encourage you to pray for you future spouse. I encourage you to pray for yourself, that God would prepare you for his plans. Stop trying to find someone to love you, and ask God to use you in this time of your life.  

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