Chapter 5

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The day continues on in a haze. The mysterious boy is all I could think about through my classes. The final bell shocks me back into reality and I walk out of the room, maneuvering through the kids in a hurry to leave. I grab my keys from the outer pocket of my bag and let the cool breeze of the day hit my face as I exit the school. "Day one complete" I mutter to myself. I scan the parking lot, trying to find my car that I left in a hurry this morning.

I search for my car for a few minutes before finding it in the lowest level of the parking lot. "Man," I mutter to myself, "I need to get a parking space." Everyone knows that seniors get the best parking spots, closest to the school. Getting a space would totally cut down on time and possibly save me from... incidents like this morning's.

Eager to leave, I turn the key in the ignition to start the car. The familiar rumbling of the engine meets my ears, then disappears just as quickly as it started. "What the..?" I ask the empty air in confusion. I try again. Struggled rumbling, then nothing. "Damnit!" I yell angrily.

My dad is cheap and spares every expense possible when it comes to anything but himself. On my 16th birthday, I was shocked to see that he had bought me a car. I was happy at the time, but now know that he got the car for free from some guy at his work. It worked nicely at first, but I soon came to realize that practically everything is broken. The radio doesn't work, the car speakers had been blown out, the blinkers have to be held down in order for them to stay on, until I bought an air freshener it reeked of smoke, and to top it all off, the engine dies. A lot. The car dying today wasn't a surprise, it was just irritating. And I took out my jumper cables the other day and forgot to return them, so I don't even have that. Yay, Autumn... Good job, girl. I get out of my car and start walking through the parking lot on an adventure to find someone who will jump my car, or at least give me a ride home. And I was having such a gloriously mediocre day.

On the far side of the parking lot under the shade of a tree sat three girls on the hood of a car. I sigh, looks like I'll have to ask the airheads for help. I throw my shoulders back, trying to keep my head high, and I walk over. "Oh my god did you see the new hot guy?" the blonde girl states in a high pitched voice. "I bet you I can get him in my bed in a week" the brunette says with a smirk. I cough, interrupting their gossip. Their eyes meet mine and I stand there, wanting to get this over with as fast as possible. "May I help you?" the redhead says with a snarky tone. I rolled my eyes and say

"Sorry to interrupt your girl talk but my car isn't starting and I was wondering if you could be ever so kind to help me jump start it?" The girls glance at each other and scoff.

"Are you too poor to have a working car?" The blonde says. The other girls start to laugh as if she has said the most hilarious joke of our entire existence. I can start to feel my blood start to boil and I clench my hands into a fist. I breathe in, then out, and try to gather myself before speaking. I'm not in the mood to throw a punch.
"For your information, if you must know, I work for everything I have. Unlike you, who is handed everything you've ever wanted while you sit back with your obnoxious friends on your lazy ass." I state in a calm tone. The blonde pauses, not quite sure what to say while her minions have the same expression. "You know what, forget it. I don't need you of all people to help me. Sorry to bother you, your highness." I curtsy in the most sarcastic way possible as I turn around and walk off without another word. I hear the bratty girls behind me scoffing and talking about me, trying to compensate for the shock I put them through.

I love giving rich kids a round house kick off their high horse. Well, Janitor it is then...
I trudge my way back to the school, aka hell, continuing my journey to find my savior. I open the front door, thank god it's still open, and walk down the eerily silent hallways towards the janitor's closet. After a minute of walking, I arrive at the door. I wiggle the door handle and open it to find, not the janitor, but two teens practically eating each other's faces off. "Dear god my eyes! They're  burning," I exclaim while frantically closing the door. I shake off the disgusting feeling and take a turn around the hallway to find the janitor at the end, mopping the floor. "Finally" I mutter.

"Excuse me, my piece of junk of a car won't restart and I was wondering if you could help me start it again" I said in my polite, persuading voice.

"Of course. Do you have jumper cables?" He asks me calmly, turning to head towards his closet. I grab his arm to stop him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. There are... teenagers in there." I describe the
best I can.
I raise my eyebrows slowly, hoping he'll get the message.

"Oh, I see." He says calmly. "Well, we have to get those cables one way or another." He grips the mop in one hand and opens the door quickly with the other, and starts to whack whatever is in the way with his mop. I watch the interaction with a small smile and interest. Wow, I think to myself, isn't High School just the greatest?

After a couple hits, the couple unlocks their lips from each other and scurries down the hallway without a word. "Why is it always the janitor's closet" The janitor mutters to nobody in particular as he grabs the cables from the top of the dusty shelf. I stand awkwardly behind him, unsure whether or not to reply to his question. I opt out of speaking until he reemergence from the closet. "All set," he says, directed towards me this time.

"Cool, thanks," I mumble. "My car is at the bottom lot. Do you want to meet me there?"

"Yes, it will," he replies formally, making me feel mildly uncomfortable. I end up just nodding and walk-running to the parking lot.


"You're good to go, Miss," the janitor says with a nod while closing the hood of my car.

"Thank you so much, sir. I really appreciate it," I say with a smile. "Thank you." The janitor gives me a nod, silently saying 'you're welcome.' I get in my car and after successfully starting it, I pull out of my driveway and head towards my house. Not bad, as far as first days of school go. Not bad.

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