Chapter 4

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As soon as the bell rang, I was out of my seat and through the classroom door; and not necessarily at human pace. I needed to get away from the lust. No what i needed was no fangs! That shit just isn't funny. I ran, slowing minutely, so the science classroom. Of course, I was the only one stood outside the door; obviously, everyone was probably only just leaving their last classes. I ducked inside the laboratory like room; chills shocking my spine. I always have hated this room. It made me feel like an experiment, even if it wasn't me everyone focused on. It's the white wash walls, plain desks and chairs. Very clinical like. Nevertheless, I dodged into my seat (You can guess where... Back corner, oh yes), closed my eyes and rested my head on my forearms on the table.

I felt everyone file into the room. Tingles shot up my spine; multiple scents swirled in my nostrils. Everyone smelt much or less the same, all blood and flesh. Of course, mix that with the sickly sweet perfumes they all wear. No wonder it's so easy for me to resist draining them of blood everyday; they smell too sweet.

I had ignored our science teachers entrance. Miss Baley is not an easy person to ignore. Her blonde hair piled up into a satsuma like bun on top of her head, every day. And every day she wore the same clothes. Add to the mix prostitute blue eye Shadow... Yeah. However, what i couldn't ignore was when she mentioned dissecting. Can i not catch a freaking break?! I suppose i could make a dash for the door... Shit too late. Miss Baley had brought pigs hearts around to every desk, along with a scalpel and rubber gloves. Just when my fangs had retracted, she brings me a blood covered pigs heart. It was no human blood, but it still smelt, and tastes pretty damned good.

I glanced around the room, watching through narrowed eyes at my fellow students, prodding at their pigs hearts, bawking and laughing. Squirting more and more blood into the room. My jaw clenched and tightened as i watched. I could feel my fangs cutting into my tongue; my own blood dripping from my tongue. That healed up pretty quickly though. Always does.

I gripped the table edge tightly, concentrating on anything but the bloody heart in front of me. I would be okay, if the class would just finish. I glared at the clock; Only fifteen minutes had passed since the start of the lesson. Fucking. Hell. I cant do this. Whispers swirled in my ears. I tried to ignore them, until my name was whispered. It was whispered once, then repeatedly, by different voices.

I looked around the room, finding myself the centre of attention. Shit, being noticed, now, of all times? Fuck you Karma! Well, not anymore. I grabbed my school bag, held my breath, threw my hood further over my face and fled from the dreaded room. Today just wasn't boding well for me.

And it's only second period.

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