Chapter 5

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After running from the science room, i decided to go for a calming walk. And i walked. Did it calm me? Fuck no. Nothing could get the sight of that bloody pigs heart from my head. It was torture. Imagine being offered your favourite snack, in the world, only to have it so close, yet you're not allowed to have it. Times that by a thousand and you will know how i feel this moment in time.

Shrill ringing once again brought me from my thoughts. That means its third period, English. With Mr Tennington. Don't mind if i do. He is the hottest male teacher in this school. His dirty blonde cropped hair fell softly over the top of his forehead; his eyes were a shocking grey-ish colour(Well i guess they're more like a dull blue, but they look grey); His nose was slightly crooked, as if it had been broken at some point in his life; his bottom lip was slightly puffier than the top one, all peachy looking and in a permanent pout. Damn what i wouldn't give to bite that lip. Oh and let's not forget his washboard abs.

His blood ain't half bad either. Of course, he doesn't remember it now, none of my 'victims' ever do.

I got to the English room in minimal timing; i got skillllz. I ignored the stares from the kids who were in my previous class. I wasn't going to explain anything, so they better not try anything with me.

I stalked to my seat, keeping my head down. I sat in the extremely shabby double desk, pulled out my notepad and pens, then sat doodling. As per usual for every lesson. I don't need to pay attention; we have photographic memories, us vamps. Pretty cool actually. I think the only lesson i ever do anything in is art, because that's hardly a subject really is it? It's doodling like every other lesson, but I'm encouraged for it. Go figure.

My spine began tingling more than it already was... Someone was approaching. And i'll give you three guesses as to who it was. Oh hmm, Noah? Ding ding ding, we have a winner. He threw the chair out from next to me and then proceeded to throw himself onto it, mumbling to himself.


I guess he figured i couldn't understand him, but alas, he was wrong, wasn't he?

"Stupid fucking teachers... Telling me what to do. Said i can't have my lip ring, ohhh well fuck that. Morana's allowed her eyebrow ring, why can't i have a lip ring-,"

"Teachers ain't afraid of you buddy, that's why," I cut him off.

He snapped his head round to meet my eyes, so i gave him a smirk.

"Seems like everyone here is afraid of you, no one else has spoken to you all day. I wonder why that is," he murmured.

"Well then, you wonder too much," I snapped, sick of the conversation already. Actually that's a lie; he's quite interesting. He doesn't seem to be afraid of me, he sits with me, converses with me.  Let's not forget the insane hotness that is his appearance. Then his personality (What i've seen of it) he seems like my kind of dude.

"Maybe so, but who's to say what's too much and what's too little?" he quipped back at me. Seriously, respect level increasing.

"Who... Who indeed,"

"Should i be afraid of you?"

"You should be. But I'm glad you're not in a way. It's been too long since i've had a conversation with someone other than a teacher or my siblings. As you so nicely put it earlier, Barbies and Kens are not to my taste," I admitted. Don't ask why i did it, i just did.

"Well good to know, cause you're stuck with me," he grinned, then continued, "Besides, who needs a Barbie, when you could have an emo?"

"Emo? Bitch please. Plus, i eat Barbies for breakfast," I smirked. What? It's true.

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