1. Weirdo

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- I swear man I can hear them, they are so many! They are in my head and they are screaming, it's bothering me, seriously! I mean I am absolutely sure that they are more than five there and most of the time they are arguing, and it's not just one topic! - meet the local weirdo, she is standing just right now in front of the all so famous bullies here in Brighton High, she looks terrified, but for the record not from them. They are looking at her like she is some kind of psycho and there are several heads coming from her forehead. Almost true since she is telling them that she hears voices. Her eyes are scanning the place, never meeting theirs and she seems mental. But when it comes to that girl you should know better. - Well there is just one topic that they agree on! Miller they all think you are sexy, I think that several of my identities are gay, so...

- Oh man, she is completely mental! Let's just leave her. I mean sometimes her blabbering makes me anxious. You should be in a nut house, weirdo! - Miller said, turning his head towards her, looking in her eyes with a complexity of disgust and completely normal for his age- lust, cause she might be weird in many ways, including her looks, but she is cute... somehow. She tilted her head and managed to look at him with completely empty eyes, like in a second all her identities vanished like they have never existed. It was like she was looking through him. He shivered barely and stepped away from her along with the others of his poesy, consistent of Hunter, Blake and Sam.

- Marina says "Hey!", Sam! - she smiled sweetly and the boy named Sam flipped her the finger and went straight into the school. - Pity, she likes him! - she said with a sad smile and straightened her clothes, it was just like nothing happened. She bent down and took her backpack from the ground and started collecting her stuff from the pavement, humming something under her nose, she was oblivious for the eyes that were glued to her. Being the locally famous (even like a Weirdo!), a straight A student and a senior is a good thing for most of the pupils here and it was good for her too. She never complained for the fact that her classmates barely knew her name and they didn't have to, after all she was responding to Weirdo or Freak. When the bell rang she was startled, she was one of those "not exactly control freaks with just a drop of OCD", but well sometimes she was. - Oh damn it! I'll be late! - she jumped on her feet, ready to run towards the school doors, when something in a simple blue - greenish colour caught her eyes. - Oh for fuck's sake I almost forgot you! - she bent down to pick it up, it was a small notebook, she got rid of the dust on it before she gently slide it in her backpack.

Running towards the school she never noticed the dark tall figure of the unknown boy that came seconds after she left. He bent down, picking something shiny from the ground and if it wasn't so dark maybe you would be able to see him smiling to himself, but since it was, you will have to blindly believe me. How come it was dark? Well they were kept this particular day until the evening hours because of something like a holiday that was a week and a half from now. He was holding something that belonged to her, he clutched it gently into his fist and left the crime scene.

- Miss James you are late, it is kind of unusual, but with you ... well, we never know. Sit down! I can't give you a detention today since we are staying late, but the librarian will need some help sorting the books from the last semester, so I think it'll be for the best if you stay and help her. - the grumpy old literature teacher said in monotonous voice.

- Yes ma'am! Marina is delighted! - full stop! She sat on her desk, that was isolated in the very back of the room a few steps from the others' desks. She never payed attention to the teacher that was holding a grumpy scowl on her face.

- We are reading "To Kill A Mockingbird", you may start right now. And no more talking! - The teacher seemed uncomfortable as much as the other students, because even though the Weirdo was in this high school for 5 years, they never got used to the occasional strange things she was saying, mainly because they didn't understand her.

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