9. Rarest

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-  Good morning, mother, father! - the Weirdo said with a small smile on her face, hidden behind the sweet smelling steam of the coffee. She has waited for quite some time for them to wake up and find her casually standing by the kitchen table on a school day. 

- Good morning, H! Are you sick? - her father was looking at her with distrust in his eyes, he was completely aware that she is not. 

- No, no I'm not, I just needed some time away from the school to prepare some of my documents for the universities and pay a little bit more attention to my finals and unfortunately the teachers are not very helpful. As you know I study better off alone. - he wasn't buying her sweet smile. 

 - Is there any kind of problem, H, you can tell us! - that voice belonged to her mother and it was sweet and full of concern. 

- No, mom! No problem at all! It's just that I need more time to concentrate on some really important things for my future and I was wandering if you can support me on one crazy idea? 

- How crazy?

- I was wandering if it is possible for you to transfer me, well not exactly transfer more like make it happen for me to ... 

- Stop blabbering, spit it! 

- I want to be home schooled for the rest of the year! - she said that so fast and breathy that she wasn't sure it was comprehensible. This idea came up to her when she was walking home from the school this morning. She didn't wan't to come back there and see all those morons again, she just wanted to spend her last month  before the end of the school year, in peace hidden in her home, studying and preparing for the finals. 

- I don't think that this is possible, considering that you have about a month left. - her mother said. 

- I have enough credits and I think that the teachers will agree with my decision, cause after all I have always been a good student and one of their favorite. - obvious lie! All of her teachers weren't very comfortable with her at all, yes they will support her on that decision because in that case they won't have to communicate with her, she just hoped that all this would be possible.

- Is that going to make you happy, H? -her father was massaging his forehead, a certain signal that he is a little bit frustrated. 

- Yes, dad! I really need that time off the school building, I have so much things to do and so much to study for the finals and I think that with home schooling I will be able to finish with everything on time. - another lie, she has prepared most of her documents a month ago and she didn't really have to study that hard. 

- We will see what we can do about it. - her father answered with a defeated sigh, he wasn't sure if this is the right thing to do, but his daughter was standing in front of them obviously lying, but it was clear that this is important for her and how bad could this actually be? 

Third day, it was the third day without a single sight of her, she didn't come to school on Monday, the same for Tuesday and Wednesday. It was already the end of the school day and he never saw her. There weren't any notes in the book and the library was more desolated than ever. He was standing next to the tree that he accustomed to use for the past few months but she wasn't here and it was already 2 hours after the school has ended. There was no one around him and the weather was cold and rainy, he was wet all over and now he felt like he needed a big baggy black shirt. He has heard some rumors that she has transferred to home schooling  and that she won't attend school at all until the finals. But the home schooled had individual exams, so this means that either he will see her on the graduation or probably he won't see her at all. He didn't know what happened and why she acted like that on Monday morning. The fact that she tore his shirt and sent him to go fuck himself was a surprise for him. Maybe she has found the medallion and thought that he stole it. He still remember how he felt when he finally left the small piece of jewelry on one of her favorite places on the beach, he has seen her there quite a lot. He hid it by an old log that people use to sit on, but she never sits on it, she is always sitting right next to it and on that height he managed to hide it along with a small note : "Found it and kept it for a while, hope you don't mind?". He was hoping for the best with that act, he thought that probably she will be surprised and a little bit annoyed but that it'll be like that, never crossed his mind.

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