3. Weirdest

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The Weirdo entered her house, followed by the sweet aroma of freshly baked muffins, in days like this she was happier, because her parents were home and they were able to have a small breakfast together. Even though she can't make them a proper meal there is one thing that she can make with closed eyes and exactly how they liked it - the coffee. Her father loved his beverage strong with a small drop of milk, unlike him, her mother loved milk with some coffee in it and honey instead of sugar. When the warm liquid was ready and served on the dining table she finally decided to wake them up and see them for the first time in a week. They worked a lot and traveled a lot and worked until late hours and that was bothering her when she was younger, but now she was grateful to share a simple breakfast with them.

An hour later the Weirdo was sitting on the floor of her bedroom, happy with the conversation she had with her parents. Actually it wasn't exactly a conversation, they were asking the same old questions as before, "How are you? You are not sick, right? Do you need money?" And all that morning blabbering accompanied by the soundtrack of the newspapers (that was off topic). In front of her there was a thick book with brown leather covers and light letters. Although the small notes, that she and her pen pal were passing in a book in the library, were nice and she was feeling flattered, at least in the beginning, she never wandered who she or he was. Not until she fixated her eyes on the year book earlier that morning, she thought that using it will make it easier to find who the mysterious writer was. And she decided to think of this task as a mystery that she really wants to solve, maybe just to protect herself, to stay away from that person for the sake of her privacy. She spread a lot of paper sheets in front of herself and took a few pens, when she arranged her working place she opened the yearbook and started looking at the pictures in an attempt to exclude some of the names. She started with the students part of different clubs, most of the time they were too busy with projects and shit to spend any of their precious seconds on someone like her. That includes people involved with maths, physics and biology. She also excluded the juniors, those who have studied in Brighton high for less than an year, not that they haven't heard stories about her, but mostly because they didn't have the chance to interact with her a lot. That was almost 1/3 of the school. She finally came across the pages with the jocks or let me put it other way - the ones trying to mess with her. There were their faces looking at her with their perfect white teeth, perfect skin and dumb expressions.

Miller Hase - jock, soccer player, not extremely retarded, but not bright enough to go to a decent college. 189 cm high (man he is huge), well built but kind of unattractive to her with his blondish-brownish hair and dull brown eyes. Rude most of the time and easily frustrated, especially when it comes to the sexual innuendos she was throwing at him on behalf of all her personalities. She noticed that 2 years ago, when she jokingly said to him that Marina finds him attractive, he flipped and stomped away from her mumbling something like a "Fucking freak!". She could easily exclude him from the suspects, because he wasn't clever enough to come up with something like this, plus she thought that he was too freaked by her to spend time observing her behavior.

Sam Brown (yeah like in "Sex and the city") - soccer player too, maybe just a little bit brighter than Miller, he can get in a good college, but only if he stops smoking weed. He is a little bit shorter than Miller with nice face, more like baby face, a grumpy baby, he is always wearing this scowl and looks like someone has eaten his dessert. He seems tired of Miller's attempts to bully the Weirdo, according to her he got tired an year ago, since then he is mostly ignoring her and on occasional encounters she enjoys messing with him. But apart from the moments he is following Miller, he never initiates any conversations with her, so she crossed him off the list. He was too busy and uninterested in her.

Tyler and Hunter Beering (what a name huh) - brothers not twins, both wrestlers, huge and bulky dipshits, too retarded to function properly. Both around 180 cm with huge hands and unfortunately the only ones that have used strength and not words against her. One of them (exactly who, she wasn't sure ) picked her from the ground and tossed her back, while the other was laughing his ass off. She ended up with nasty bruises but nothing serious, they on the other hand, were accused of attacking a classmate and were suspended for a while. But when they returned, instead of taking some kind of revenge, they decided to ignore her completely. Too dumb to do that stunt, even if both of them are thinking together, at the same time connecting their brains and creating one huge brain (or something like that).

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