11. Tell me your story

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- What do you mean "ts's me"? - the Weirdo stood up a little on the chair looking at Sara Cole with suspicious eyes.

- I shouldn't have said that! I am so sorry Helen, it was so unprofessional!

- Answer me!

- See I have heard about you and your so called problem, or condition or whatever we decide to call it. My son Luke, told me about you.

- But of course, I should have made the connection! Cole... - she said standing up from the comfortable armchair and bent down to take her backpack. Stomping towards the door not looking back she could hear Sara Cole standing from her own chair, almost knocking it down to the ground and her fast steps following her shortly, when she finally reached the door and opened it, a gentle trembling hand cough her by the forearm and tried to hold her.

- Please would you consider listen to me?

- Why would I do that? I mean do you know what your son has done?

- I do know that, dear and I know that he meant no harm.

- He meant no harm?! I have been home schooled for the last month of my high school because I was afraid to face them all, I was so close to snapping and loosing my mind because of that bullshit...

- He never meant to be that bad for you, he told me last night that you have reacted quite harshly and I am so sorry on his behalf, but please hear his reasons.

- I don't need to know his reasons.

- Please as a personal favor to me?

- How come I ended doing you a favor!?

- Please come back to my office and let me explain you!

- I hate myself for doing this! OK!

Going back to her office Helena felt awful for being so nice towards people that according to her didn't deserve it, because of the games her son played on her she ended up harassed in private by Miller or to be exact she ended up allowing it. She ended being called a whore, touched and shoved, she ended up closed in her own house like a prisoner for a month being afraid that if she goes out she will meet someone from his posy, just because he never told her who he is. Walking slowly behind Sara Cole she wanted to run far away from that wicked family, after all her damned son undressed in front of her parents and gave her mother the torn t-shirt - creation of Helena herself. She was lost in her own head for a second and she ended bumping into the woman before herself and that crash gave her thoughts a completely new direction, she remembered that she never asked him to say who he is, never in all this time did she wrote down: "Who are you?". And if this wasn't her mind working against her? The woman stepped away from Helena and showed her to sit down and she did.

- As you probably know Cole transferred to Brighton High about two years ago. We had to move here after my divorce with his father and I don't want you to pity me or him, but his father was abusive and we kind of run away here. I am taking care of him by myself and I am trying to give him the best but unfortunately I am unable to provide him everything, he has to receive a scholarship in order to go to a decent university. To be able to do that he must have a good resume, good grades and recommendation and for the university that he has chosen he must have a great essay with something like a social experiment in it.

- You mean that..

- Please let me finish! It probably started only as an experiment, as an observation, but later he told me that he wants to know you better, to understand why you act the way you do.

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