4. Strange

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 Seven nights later the Weirdo was tossing in her bed, trying to fall asleep for the past 2 hours. Three days ago she found out that on of her necklaces is gone and she had no idea where or when she had lost it. I mean she's clumsy and shit but that much?! To be even worse it turned out that it was one of her favorite, in the shape of a Venetian carnival mask made of steel, she bought it on one of the few trips with her parents a few years back. The trip wasn't that bad actually, she visited Venice for the first time, true that she barely saw her parents, but after all she likes to walk alone (considering the fact that she has Marina and the gang she is never alone, but who cares). For the past few days she had searched everywhere in the house, with hope that she would find it. She even arranged her books to look behind them, by the walls, but it was useless, well almost, she managed to divide her books by genre and she even found some books that she still haven't read, now they were stacked on her night stand, screaming in agony, because of the fact that they haven't been touched for so long.

The night was way hotter than the previous one and her window was open, letting in all the sounds from the street and she was frustrated because she had to get up early in the morning, tomorrow was the first day of school after the holiday (internal cheers). Unfortunately the sounds and the necklace weren't the only bothering her tonight, the thought of her pen-pal was tormenting her mind. Most of the holiday she spent reading, eating and occasionally speaking to her parents, for the last 3 days she was preoccupied with the search of her necklace and reading the newly found books, so we can say that her days were good, but the nights were strange and full of thoughts about the mysterious he or she. She was wandering what to do - to keep writing notes and eventually find out who that person is or just ignore that situation and pretend that it never happened. In those kind of situations she was usually letting Marina to kick in and solve the equation, but M was kind of angry at Helena because of the books, so now she had to decide for herself. She fell asleep with great efforts and a lot of counting (not sheep - they smell weird) of polecats (she tried with rabbits but their jumping makes her dizzy), in her dreams she saw a hand scribbling the words "I am trying to figure you out"on a simple paper sheet and for the first time it wasn't a nightmare.

The Shadow was laying in his bed,more like sitting, with only his knees covered with the sheets, reading a book, to be exact the first book that he saw her read, for his great disappointment he wasn't enjoying it as much as he wanted to. In fact he decided that "Runaround" by Isaac Asimov is not at all what he wanted to read at that moment, but he kept rereading one particular part, the one with the tree Laws of Robotics:A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.He kept thinking how he can rewrite them and use that as his advantage against her, to keep her interest, more like make her interested again, with sadness he understood the fact that maybe she is the only one from his entourage that he can use to talk about books (not that she was part of his friends, but still). His friends were great, but only if you want a party, weed, or hang out, nuff said. He was holding the pen in his left hand against his lips with  a paper sheet laid on the book and his head lifted towards the ceiling. The way his lips moved while he was whispering something incoherent could be considered fascinating, but only if you like that kind of boys

- "A pen pal may not write something to offend or disturb the Weirdo or, through inwriting (oh give him a credit), allow The Freak to come to harm." - he mumbled to himself in a whisper and wrote his not so genius version of the firs law. - I should leave the writing to her... - his face was desperate. - That's a one. Second: "A pen pal must obey the demands given by the Freak, except where such demands conflict with the First law, or require reveling it's identity." Oh God I am really not good at it. Last one and I am going to sleep. - He said to himself closing his eyes for a brief moment. - "A pen pal must protect it's existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws."- he then folded the paper and threw it carelessly on his night stand, he slid fast under his sheet and turned off the lamp, ready to fall asleep. The dream was the same again, red and black hair surrounding a pale face, except there wasn't any face, at all, just like every fucking time before.

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