Wilford Warfstache Goes To College

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Mark was roused from his slumber from the alarm he set for Wilford. Upon investigating whether or not he was awake yet, he found Wilford buried beneath the blankets on his bed. Mark sighed and said, "Wilford, I told you that you need to be awake at this time, not buried beneath your blankets."

"But I'm tired," Wilford's familiar voice echoed from his cocoon.

"Wilford, you start college today. You don't want to miss it."

"Why aren't you making Darkiplier and Antisepticeye go?"

"His case is different, you know that, and Anti is under the jurisdiction of Jack and Signe."

Wilford groaned and began peeling blankets off of him. "I don't want to go."

"You need some education."

"Are you calling me stupid?"

"Yes, yes, I am. Now, get going before I start yelling or get Jack to yell for me."

With the thought of Jack yelling at him, Wilford sprang out of bed and raced around the room, getting ready for the day ahead. Mark shook his head and left his room, leaving Wilford alone to get ready. Being the person he is, he 'accidentally' threw some weapons into his bag. Downstairs, Mark felt like he could only hope for the best, even though it won't probably happen.

Time Skip

As Wilford came down the stairs with his bag slung over his shoulder, Mark grabbed his bag and placed it on the table, asking, "So, Wilford, anything I should be concerned about in your bag?"

"Nope, it's all good," Wilford replied as he tried to go for his bag but Amy prevented him from doing so (with Jack's help).

Mark raised an eyebrow. "So I can take a look?"

Before Wilford could respond, Mark opened his bag up and started looking through it. Every time a weapon was pulled out, Mark shook his head in disapproval. By the time he was done, Wilford could only grab something quick for breakfast.

Mark hurried Wilford out the door. "Don't forget to keep watch on Dark and Anti, Jack, and I love you, Amy."

Time Skip

"Today is going to be an easier day," Mark said as he drove Wilford to the college. "You'll have a campus tour with a college senior named Joshua that will last almost all morning, then I arranged for you to go to lunch with another student named Max, who is in both of your afternoon classes. After lunch, you'll have a music class, then a small period of 'free time,' then a science class. After your science class, I'll be right outside the building. You got it?"

"Yeah, I got it," Wilford said.

"Okay, good. You know, even though I do feel like you need this education, I also feel like I am giving you more freedom and responsibility. I'm going to trust you with this, but if anything happens, I will be more than happy to take away some – if not all – of that freedom and responsibility I'm giving you. You understand?"

"I understand."

Mark pulled up to the college. "Okay, we're here. Are you ready for your first day?"

Wilford scowled as he started getting out of the car. "I honestly don't want to go."

"But you are going to with no complaints." Wilford opened the car door, prompting Mark to push him out. "Have fun, learn something, and be a normal human being for once."

Mark closed the door and drove off, leaving Wilford alone at the campus entrance. Wilford sighed as he started to walk deeper into campus, only to be stopped by a slightly younger college student.

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