•Chapter 32•

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   Three days have passed since the return of Angelo and Lorenzo and it's been three days since I've visited them. During those three days, I've been worried, annoyed and antsy. Worried for their health and wellbeing, annoyed that the doctors wouldn't let me visit and antsy because I was becoming impatient and restless. Knowing that the boys have been in the same building as me and not being able to even get within ten meters range without getting yelled at, had me agitated. It was bad enough being months apart from but this was different. I could see them but there were too many barriers keeping me from them.  However today, after three f.ucking days, I am finally allowed to visit Lorenzo. It was a relief when Donny informed me. I was almost about to explode and demolish the entire place until I got to see him.

   I took a quick shower and dressed in comfortable, cotton clothing, a joggers and a baggy T-Shirt that had little kitties printed on it. After placing my hair into a high messy bun, I dashed off to see Lorenzo. . . and Angelo but I assumed Mari would've been with him.

   I walked down many hallways and made so many turns before I was finally at the infirmary where they were held. My heart was racing and beating so loud I'm sure anyone could've heard it. Taking a deep breath, I shakily opened Lorenzo's private room and peeked inside. There he was, lying relaxed with his eyes closed. The soft rise and fall of his chest indicated that he was most likely asleep.

   I softly closed the door after stepping in. I watched him as I sat on the vacant chair next to him. I was tempted to touch him. I wanted to feel him just be sure that he was actually here with me. I almost did. I had to stop my hand, that was already hovering his, from grabbing. Instead I softly took ahold of his hand, surprised that I didn't snatch him up. I played with his fingers, avoiding the needles and cords that were stuck in his wrists.

  I momentarily stopped. Tears were clouding my eyes and I took deep silent breaths to calm myself. My eyes were tightly closed as I did so. “Dont stop,” I swore I imagined it. I thought I imagined Lorenzo saying that. My eyes snapped open only to see Lorenzo's lips set into a deep frown, eyebrows joined together as his grey eyes looked at me.

  I couldn't help it. I had lunged myself into him, not thinking of the consequences. I was grabbing onto him as a baby would to its mother, refusing to let go. When I heard him grunt and let out a breath, I looked at him alarmed. “Im sorry! Did I hurt you?!”

  Renzo gave me a small smile,“ Hug me where it doesn't hurt.” I looked at him. Like really looked at him. He was a battered mess. He had stitches almost at very inch of his face. One of his eyes was swollen shut and colored in a sickly black and blue. He had a busted lip and his nose was now slightly crooked. If his face looked this bad, I could imagine his body. Probably ten times worse. Realization hit me and I immediately scrambled off of him causing him to frown.

  “Was I hurting you?” I asked quickly, “Does everything feel right? You need water?”

  Renzo grunted. If I wasn't mistaken, he seemed annoyed. “Everything will feel right once I get to fücking hold you,” He slowly stretched out his arms, wincing slightly, “ I need cuddles. ”

  I stared at him with an open mouth. Did he say he needed cuddles? Did I hear correctly? I should get my ears checked. Normally I would've been the one to initiate the cuddles and he would complain about feeling all soft and mushy.

  “Did Mr. Big Bad Mafia just asked to cuddle?” I teased while walking closer to him.

  “ I've been a deprived man, babe.” He smiled, his arms still awaiting,“ Now hurry up,” He wiggled his fingers.

I, of course, complied to his request. Like him, i was deprived as well and I wouldn't complain about this moment. I carefully went into his arms, trying not to hurt him or lye on any cords that were hooked up into him. Once both him and I were comfortable, I snuggled into him and ran my fingers through his hair. His arms encased me close to his chest. His nose was stuffed into my hair and he audibly sniffed.

  “I missed you,” I say with a shaky voice,“ I missed you so much. I was so worried. Lorenzo I-”

  He hushed me and started,“ Baby, I'm here now. I may not be in the best condition but I'm here now. Stop worrying.”

  I sighed and tilted my head up to place a soft kiss on his slightly bearded cheek,“ I just need to know if you're fine. You need to recover quickly and properly and I wontbrest until you do.”

  “Maybe I would if you tend to me in a sexy nurse outfit?” He smirked down at me with amusement shadowing his eyes.

  I scowled before lightly tapping his shoulder,“ Perv.”

  “You love it. ”

  “Maybe. ” I smiled up at him. He looked down at me with a smile before it slowly faded,“What's wrong?” I asked furrowing my brows.

  “I can't believe this happened,” Lorenzo sighed. For the first time in a very long while, I have seen him look this troubled,“ Alberto is family. I would have never thought he'd do something like this.”

   I cupped his cheek softly stroking my thumb slightly, making him look at me. “ I'm sure whatever happened can be resolved. Like you said, he's your family but it still doesn't excuse him for what he's done. ”

   Lorenzo chuckled bitterly as he held my palm that was stroking his stubbly cheek,“ I've done a lot bad things that makes hell unworthy of me. I think I deserve this. This is Karma out to get me. I'm a bad person. I've hurt everyone around me. I've hurt you. I deserve this, bambola. ”

    “No. Don't talk like that Renzo.”

    “You know it's true.” He said almost harshly. He grunted as he placed his palm on his chest, his face contorted into pain. A part of me knew it was true. Lorenzo has done things no man has ever thought of doing. He's been through hell and back, even the devil himself would welcome him with open arms. But the bigger of me knew that he didn't deserve all of this. Lorenzo was a misguided child since the making and he is still misguided by his inner demons.

   I knew it sounded so bias that I would try to defend Lorenzo. It was wrong if me to overlook his wrong doings but everyone deserved a second chance and I'm positive that whatever Lorenzo did to Alberto can be set aside.

   I wrapped my arms around Lorenzo, pulling him into me as gently as I could without hurting his wounds. He stuffed his face into my chest and I ran my hand up and down his back in a soothing manner. Kissing his forehead, I slowly lulled him to sleep, knowing that he needed the rest.

   “We're going to figure out who's really behind this, Renzo.” I promised softly.


This chapter was 💩💩💩💩
I kinda rushed it knowing that I haven't updated in a very long time. And I honestly don't know how often I will be updating because I've been hella busy.

But!! I got you guysssss!!
I have published a new story called Serendipity! You guys can check it out if you like.

As for LTM. I will still be updating just irregularly.


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