•Chapter 39•

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   ○Chapter 39○   

          Do ever look at someone and try to recall where you've met this person? It's like you've seen them before but you're not sure when or where. Staring at the man strapped down onto the  chair, I couldn't help but try to recognize him. Maybe If it wasn't for the black rim around his eyes, his swollen cheeks and broken jaw, it would've been easier to place a name to the face.

     But since his face was basically beaten until it was unrecognizable.....

      Donny stood next to me. His back was pin straight and tense, his lips were pressed in a hard line as his jaw clenched. He's been like this lately. It started to worry me a lot because Donny was never serious unless bad things are happening.  We watched on as Lorenzo and Angelo were interrogating the man-- or at least is trying to. At every question, the man would laugh maniacally and murmur words about how blind they were.

       "You fuckers are so easy to get around," The man was uproarious. His head swayed back as if he couldn't help it before his shoulders shook and his scratchy, hoarse voice bellowed,"What's that saying again? Something about friends and enemies?"

      Angelo delivered a swift but effective punch to the man's jaw, making him distorted. "Who sent you?"

    "Wouldn't you like to know," The man snickered before twirling his pointer finger, barely even being able to lift it. "Probably fucked your girl already. . . Or is she even your girl? What's her name? Marilyn or some shit like that? Damn, I thought her stage name would've been Candy. Her pússy sure did taste--"

      Angelo released a roar from deep within. He launched himself at the man but Lorenzo held him back just centimeters away. "He's trying to fuck with us Angelo."

    "You know if it were Brianne, you'd lose fucking your shit!" Angelo shoved off Lorenzo before facing him. "Fucking hypocrite."

      "Ahhh my girly Bribri! Surprised she doesn't remember me," The man let's out a mocking sadden sigh.  My ears instantly perked. So I do know him... Maybe if I saw his face last night before it went under the knife with Angelo and Lorenzo's fists, I could've known. But since your girl over here was screaming and being thrown like a rag doll... shit isn't easy.

       Donny placed his arm on my shoulder before proceeding to lead me out of the room. "Brianne, there's something I need to tell you--" he was cut off by Adrian's voice.

      "Bri! Are you okay?!" I was ripped out of Donny's grasp and pulled into a bear hug by Adriano. His face almost immediately buried into the side of my neck and I felt uncomfortable. He was being too intimate. He wasn't Lorenzo.

       I wiggled my hands between us and pushed him off me in the politest way I can. I took a small step back but was almost thrown off my feet when Donny pulled me back. Adriano looked at Donny with a questioning look, wondering why there was the need to create such a great distance between us.

      "The guy in there stabbed her in the thigh," was Donny's response. I wasn't exactly stabbed but I wasn't exactly scratched either. So it didn't hurt that bad.

       Adriano nodded before turning to look into the room. The man that was now slumping forward caught Adriano's gaze. I watched as the man's head tilted up to wink as tauntingly and as dramatically as he could. Adriano clenched his fists as his gaze narrowed. Obviously they knew each other.

        Donny nudged my shoulder and motioned his head for us to leave the room. As soon as we walked out of the room, Donny grabbed my hand and led us up to his room. "There's something I have to tell you," He says rushed," I know it'll be unbelievable at first but LISTEN to me okay? Don't act too irrationally."

      My heart was thundering in my chest as I expected the worst... and boy, did I get the worst.

  "Adriano, Rico, Nico and Marilyn--if that's even her name-- are playing us. They're using us. They're manipulating us. They're betraying us."

         Hi guys so important notice over here. For the rest of this month, there will be no updates. Reason being I have two exams on the 20th and 21st of this month (literally 4 days away from Christmas bummer) so I've decided that from next year, I will finish up LTM.

     There's just a few more chapters before LTM is completed so.... yeahhhh

Also I'm very sorry for the long wait in an update. I've been busy preparing for exams in terms of study school and mock exams.

Really sorry but thank you for waiting : )
I'm sending you guys virtual love so ACCEPT IT WITH WIDE OPEN ARMS lol

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