I won't see you tonight

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Hey guys, thanks so much for coming here and reading my story! Even though the updates will be pretty slow, I hope you'll enjoy reading as much as I do writing, feel free to leave a comment, would make me very very happy!

Greetings :D





Except of the own characters, I do not own any of the persons mentioned and every relationship I create between the characters is pure fiction!

-Brian Haner Jr. aka Synyster Gates

-Michelle DiBenedetto (ex Haner)

-McKenna Haner

-Matt Sanders aka M. Shadows

-Zachariah Baker aka Zacky Vengeance

-Jonathan Seward aka Johnny Christ

-Brooks Wackermann

-James "Jimmy" Owen Sullivan aka The Reverend (in flashbacks only)

-the rest of A7X's families


Chapter 1

*Brian's POV*

"Visiting day, Haner!", the prison officer shouted at me.

"You've got a friend of yours and your sister here, twenty minutes maximum, you understand?"

I nodded.

"Yes sir", I answered, following him out of my prison cell to the so called "meeting room".

Meeting room just means: me on the one side, a massive Plexiglas window and then my visitors. I hadn't had the pleasure of visitors during the last five months, caused by bad behavior they cancelled everything for me. Today was the first day since almost half a year, I was going to see some familiar faces again.

The officer said, my sister was here...and I started to feel guilty. For McKenna, I've always been a role model, and now? She was just another girl with a fucked up brother in prison...

- eight months before -

"Guys? Gotta go home right now, you okay with that?", I asked, I knew, the recording process was important, but what was waiting at home had bigger importance to me.

Shads laughed at me.

"Yo Gates, what's up with you? Turned into a family guy?"

Zacky joined in, smiling as well.

"Man, Syn, Shads is right. This whole marriage stuff just isn't good for you!"

I just had to laugh as well, that's another reason why I loved these guys.

"Yeah...family guy is kind of the right word, Matt", I smirked.

They all were starring at me right now.

"We missed something?", Johnny asked.

Now, my smile got even bigger, the guys were the second to know mine and Michelle's little secret.

"We've got a little Gates on the way", I opened up to my friends and cheering filled the studio.

"OMG, not another one!", Zacky moaned joking and gave me a tight hug.

Darkness Surrounding (Synyster Gates Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now