the beast and the harlot?

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omgggg guys! It's been wayyyy too long but I had like so much trouble going on and now, while relaxing during holidays I finally found time to keep writing. Hope I'll never ever keep you waiting! Thanks for all the votes btw and please remember to write a review I've you've got any ideas or wishes how the story should go on.

Love, Avy.

*Brian's POV*

To say that I barely slept last night would just be a lie, cause I didn't sleep at all. While getting out of bed and getting dressed, I felt anxious of how to react to Matt right now. I knew, I was a dick last night again, but the Jimmy thing just really hit me.

Still into my thoughts, I went downstairs and saw Matt already sitting there. He looked like shit, even messier than me.

"Brian? We've gotta talk, if you don't mind...", he said with a rusty voice.

"Sure", I nodded and sat beside him.

"I know, I was the one to not let you move out. And I was the one to protect you and hold you with me, but last know. I don't know how this should go on, seriously."

"You want me out?". I asked.

"It would be the best for our friendship, am I right?"
I nodded.

"I think so..."
"You see, Brian, I completely understand, when you're feeling betrayed and left alone. I understand your anger towards Jimmy for having a plan B if he passes, like he planned on it. I understand you, because I just felt the same! My best friend tells me, to take care of my other best friend, and then he just leaves without any further explanation. But also think about us, as friends. Jimmy wouldn't want us to hate each other for his reason."

I just realized, that this almost had cost me Matt as my best friend...and yes I was angry, but for nothing in the world I wanted to lose Matt.

"You're right, Matt. The last thing I want to, is to affect our relationship through this and my behavior. Sitting on each other's lap the whole day just wouldn't work out forever. I'm gonna move out, we'll see each other in the studio and after some time, we'll get along again, I think. I hope so..."

I felt how my voice reached the edge of breaking and tears coming into my eyes, so I quickly turned away.

"Gonna get my stuff...", I murmured and went upstairs again.

Back in Matt's guest room, I grabbed my phone and called my dad, but my baby sister picked up.

"Brian? Is that you?", she asked and you could clearly hear the excitement in her voice.

"Hey Mac, yes it's you messed up brother. Is dad at home?"

"Nope, he went shopping with mom about ten minutes ago. Why're you calling anyways?"

"Uhm...I just wanted to ask if I may come over and crash at yours for some time...maybe you can ask dad to call back, when he's at home again."
I heard her laughing.

"Bri, you didn't just ask for permission to come home and live with us, did you? Dad told me yesterday at dinner, that he's kind of jealous, cause you're staying with Matt, not with us. And I'd love to finally spend more time with my big brother. So get your ass down here, or shall I pick you up?"

I smiled, as I heard her lovely tone. This girl meant so much to me and always will.

"Got my car here, I'm on my way. Tell Pinkly, daddy's coming home. See you soon.", I said and hung up.

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