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that's it guys! thank you all so much for staying with me during the past 20 chapters! if you liked it and are interested in how Syn and Clary will manage tour life on my profile and look for Book 2, it'll be on there soon and the plot will start immediately after this chapter!

much love xoxo Avy


Brian's POV*

-three days later-

This morning, I woke up lonely, immediately thinking of Clary. She had spent two nights here, in the second one we slept with each other and it was so intense...pure love. We continued working on the house and the garden, almost everything was done by now and I simply loved it. Cause some tiny details just were a perfect image of Clary's character so every time I looked around, I had a little bit of Clary here.

I never wanted to let go of her, but her father started asking questions again and I didn't want her to get kicked out of home because of me. I wanted to turn around and sleep some more, when suddenly my phone buzzed. Without looking, I got the call.

"Yeah?", I asked tiredly and only heard a sniff.

Immediately I was wide awake.

"Clary?! Clare Bear, answer me, what happened!", I said worriedly.

"My dad...", she sniffed, "he...he kicked me out..."


I didn't want this to happen, to destroy her family, to arghhhhh.

"Where are you now?"

"I...I just packed my stuff up and now I'm standing at the bus stop two streets away from my house", she answered.

"Okay, listen. I know that this is my fault that you got kicked up and that this is a terrible time to ask this, you want to move in with me? Then I could pick you up in ten minutes", I said quickly, praying for her to say yes.

"If that's not too much for you...", she sniffed, "I'd love to."
I smiled.

"The only thing that is too much for me is being away from you. Just give me some time to get my lazy ass out of bed, then I'll pick you up. You can make yourself comfortable because I promised Matt to meet in the studio later, are you okay with that?"
She laughed.

"Sure I am! Don't make Matt wait for me!"
"Okay, on my way, sweetie. Stay strong", I said as I hung up and hurried to the bathroom.

*Matt's POV*

"Any idea where Brian is, guys?", I asked the rest of the band, making Zacky jump.

He was focused on sketching on his paper, because today was artwork day.

The album was in the mixing process and would return in three days and we just had to finish the artwork. The photoshoots were done, the lyrics and credits ready to be printed...just the cover was missing.

Suddenly the door swung open and entry: Synyster Gates.
"Ya late dude!", Johnny complained.

"Yes, super sorry for that. Unforeseeable circumstances! But now I'm here, what did I miss?", he asked, kinda out of breath and leaving me curious, what circumstances he was talking about.

"Nothing to be honest. I only said that we should keep the space concept also in the artwork, doing something colorful, spacy...astronauts, planets...I don't know", I said.

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