meeting Clary

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heyoooo, so finally we arrived to the plot the second book will carry on :D this book will be finished with chapter 20, but I hope some of you enjoy the story and move with me to the next part :)


*Brian's POV*

It was late in the evening when I left the studio, Zacky and I were working on some riffs together. And now, I didn't feel like going home. I had a lot of privacy at my dad's house, but I somehow wanted to do something tonight. And since I hadn't had the chance of buying furniture just yet cause the studio kept me quite busy, I couldn't go to my new home. So I got into my car and drove towards Huntington, seeing all the city lights. Suddenly a small restaurant/bar catch my glimpse. I parked my car in the back and entered the bar. As I sat on the counter, studying the menu, a young blonde girl came to me.

"Good evening, Sir. Can I bring you something to drink already or are you still looking?"

She smiled, she looked cute and I somehow felt attracted to her, so I smiled back.

"Hey, thanks for asking. I, uhm...could you please bring me a Heineken and a burger with fries?", I asked her, wondering how old she was.

"Sure.", she said, disappearing for a short moment just to come back with the beer in her hand.

"Here's your beer, the burger will take a short while, I hope you don't mind", she apologized, still with this wonderful smile on her face.

"Not at all, thank you very much", I said as she handed me the cold bottle. I took a sip, happy nobody of my family saw me right now. One beer wouldn't make me an addict again and I still was a motherfucking rockstar, no anti-alcoholic!
"Cheers Jimbo", I whispered saluting to heaven before I had another sip.

I took out my phone, scrolled through Facebook and Instagram, before I quickly texted my dad that I would be coming home late that night.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Sir, but here's your burger" the waitress said, I didn't even heard her coming.

"Enjoy", she said, placing the plate in front of me.

In my head I note down to give a proper tip, because the food was super tasty and the service extremely kind. And attractive, but nevermind.

She surely had a boyfriend at home and wouldn't want to go out with an almost forty year old messed up rockstar. She probably didn't even like rock music. Or tattoos. Maybe she even found me disgusting, sitting here in my black t-shirt, with my inked skin and my boots.

Yeah, she probably hates guitars, I thought while eating. But what girl hates guitars? I never met one, probably because all girls I met so far were involved in the business somehow.

Moments like this made me realize how much I wished for a girl by my side again. After all this time, I felt ready to close the chapter Michelle, I didn't feel anything for her anymore. I wanted to start something new, something I would fight for to not lose it. But living with me was difficult. I needed to trust this person, she had to live alone at home while I was on tour or come with me.

I payed lots of respect to Val for still being around us, if I were married to one of us, I would've broken up long before. Life's not easy with us and my band members keep telling me that I was the most difficult of all of us.

Suddenly I thought of Jimmy and Leana, they were so perfect. Completely in love, willing to give everything to the other person but also respecting each other's space. After Jimmy, Leana never had a guy in her life again. We still were close, she'd always be a part of the family, she came to all the parties, visited us at local shows, because she also got along with Jimmy's death after some time. She could smile when she was thinking about him, but she never got into a new relationship.

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