Twitter hate

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Kellin's POV

As I was walking upstairs I heard a faint crying sound coming from Lily's room I wonder what is wrong with her? I ask myself, should I go In and comfort her or should I stay outside and wait for it to stop. But I decide that I should go in and see what was wrong because I am her dad after all of this!

As I walk in I see lily sitting on her bed crying her eyes out just staring at her phone like someone she hadn't seen in years had been calling her. But I know there is something more to the story than that.

"Lily what is wrong darling? ,you know you can tell me" I say in the most caring voice possible.

It's is everyone on twitter hating on me dad what did I do to deserve this? I have never done anything to them or said anything horrible so why are they being mean to me?" Lily says while weeping

"Oh lily you didn't do anything to deserve this it is just that there are horrible people out there that would do anything to stop me caring about anyone but them but you don't have to listen to them, just block them out and pretend that they aren't there and I will send I message out tonight to tell people to stop. Ok?"

"Yes please I would do anything for them to stop doing this!"

Lily's POV

"Dad us coming upstairs compose yourself lily you don't want to give anything away just keep it all to yourself" the voice in my head says but no matter what they do to try and stop me the tears won't stop falling from my eyes.

Then Kellin opens my door just as I was finally beginning to sort myself out he then says "Lily what is wrong darling?, you know you can tell me " Trying to give me his fake caring voice.

But I reply "It's is everyone on twitter hating on me dad what did I do to deserve this? I have never done anything to them or said anything horrible so why are they being mean to me?" Trying not to say what was in my head but I said it anyway not realising that I had just opened up to him.

Dad then says "Oh lily you didn't do anything to deserve this it is just that there are horrible people out there that would do anything to stop me caring about anyone but them but you don't have to listen to them, just block them out and pretend that they aren't there and I will send I message out tonight to tell people to stop. Ok?" But I know that he say he will but It never happens it will always be said but never actually done!

But being the person I am I try and sound a slight bit cheerful that he actually talks to me for once and say

"Yes please I would do anything for them to stop doing this!" In my most enthusiastic voice I have I just hope that he follows through this time or else I might have to find someone else to sort out my problems and I won't be a pretty sight!

----------------- Authors note!

Sorry guys I am terrible at updating but I made this one as long as I could!

What do you think lily is talking about leave what you think down in the comments

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