...•°Meeting Him°•... (EDITTED)

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What should I wear? I thought as I flicked through the clothing I owned. Maybe I should wear my kimono, I mean its a rich school right? I shook my head and went to the next item. Smart clothes? Nah, cant hit them with that yet. Normal clothing, normal, norm, norm....I think the universe is trying to tell me something.

I grabbed my norm and did my daily routine. I ran down stairs, then down stairs again and into the kitchen. "Soo~ How are you liking the new place?", my mom asked expectantly. She needs regular praising to make her feel like a good mother.

"It's amazing mom!", I said with a small smile, which is better than staying neutral. "Good! I thought so too.", she said, wondering off to wherever...I just realized I am a bad daughter.....

~×+×~ (A few minutes later)

I like this color! Pastels have always been my favorite. I thought as I looked up at the school. Mr. Chairman has nice taste. I continued to walk to the chairman's office when I bump into someone's chest. I stumble back, but the person grabs my waist, preventing me from falling. I look up to see a boy with big doe brown eyes and fluffy brown hair.

"Are you okay?", he asked and I nodded. "T-T-Thank you.", I said lowly. He smiled a charmingly sweet smile that made my stomach flutter. "No problem. Are you the new transfer student?", he asked and I nodded, temporarily speechless. "Great! We're I'm the same class, so I can take you there after I drop something off. Okay?" I nodded again and he laughed, taking my hand gently and leading the way.

"So what's your name?", he asked and I swallowed the lump of butterflies. "Nisaka Kino.", I said, managing to not stutter. "What a lovely name. My names Haruhi Fujioka.", he said and I looked down at our still connected hands, feeling abit of comfort from them.

We walked into a room and a blonde ran towards Haruhi, but stopped when he saw another hand in his. He followed the hand up until he made eye contact with me. "Haruhi, who might this kitten be?", he asked, in a charming way...but one that seemed forced.

"This is Nisaka. She's in the same class as I am, so I'm taking her with me.", he said and Blondie smiled. "Why don't be shy. We won't bite."

"Hard", two voices finish and I turn to see two ginger headed boys behind me. I jump into Haruhi's arms in fear. Haruhi, out of instinct wrapped his arms around me, as if I was falling. "Woah there. You okay?", he asked and I nodded, although the twins did terrify me.

"Awe. Don't be afraid." "We're nice.", the said, as if they were talking to a small child. I unintentionally glared at them and gripped onto Haruhi tighter. He chuckled as I slowly got off of him. Suddenly, my arm was hugged on and I looked to see a boy, an inch smaller than I am. "Hi! My names Honey! Do you wanna eat some cake?!", he asked and I looked over at the table of sweets longingly. I shook my head and Haruhi placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You can if you want to." Again, I shook my head. "Do you like sweets?" I nodded. "Then let's go!", Honey said jumping up and down, but again I shook my head. "Why?", Blondie asked and I bit my lip. "I-I-I'm not hungry.", I said and just as I said that, my stomach growled unnecessarily loud. We all look at my stomach and Haruhi grabs my hand, redirecting back into the hall, but not before handing Blondie something.

"W-W-Where are you taking me?", I asked and he looked back at me. "Somewhere." After awhile he sits me down and gets me a box. I slowly open and find a donut in it. I bit my lip and look up at him. "Eat."

"U-Um, I'm good." He looks at me with caring eyes and grabs my hand. "Please." I shook my head. "And why not?" I looked down at my lap and I feel strongish arms hug me from behind.

"I don't know you that well, but I know that your health is important. Everyday, we will either eat lunch and/or breakfast together, whether you like it or not."

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