-<~Shh, it's gonna be okay."~>- (EDITTED)

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I regret everything I've ever said before.

  This time (since the scars faded), I wore a black bikini with golden specks all over it. I growled lightly as Haruhi laughed abit. "Why are you pouting? You look cute!", she said and I blushed.

  "B-B-But it's a-a-a little reveling...don't cha think?", I asked and she simply smiled. "O-O-Oh. (////)  that's why.", I said, looking down at my bare feet.

I was suddenly picked up off my feet and I squeaked. "H-Haruhi! Put me down!", I said as she carried me to the water. "Come on~ I'll get in with you.", she said as we walked to waist high waters (for me at least.). She set me down and I squeaked at the temperature.

"I-It's cold!", I said and she ducked under water. I suddenly felt her grab my leg, pulling me under. I got up and she shot up too. "H-H-Haruhi!", I yelled, smacking her arm. She laughed a lot and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry.", she said while laughing and I pouted.

  "It doesn't sound like it.", I mumbled and she lifted my chin. She gave me a peck on the corner of the mouth. I sat there, dumbfounded as she walked out of the water and to her seat before any of the guest could arrive.

  I finally felt the heat rise from my face as I touched my mouth. I-I was only joking. S-S-She didn't have to go an do that. Although- I looked over at Haruhi as the girls crowded around her. I-I-I wasn't complaining......

  I got out of the water and climb to the highest thing I could see, the cliff. I've got to get that off my mind. I thought while still blushing. "Hey look! It's a girl.", a voice said and I turned around. "H-Hey what are you doing here? T-T-This is a p-private beach!", I said and they smirked.

"Does that mean we're alone?", he asked, grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him. I smacked him and he let me go. "D-D-Don't touch me!", I said, covering my body.

The other guys grabbed me, immobilizing me. The guy grabbed my chin roughly and made me look at him. "You got guts don't cha?", he asked before punching me in the stomach. I yelled in pain as I doubled over.

"Now be a good girl.", he said picking me up by my hair. I spit in his face and he growled before tossing me near the edge of the cliff. I hung my the edge with one hand, screaming for help. "LEAVE NISAKA ALONE!", Haruhi yelled, kicking two of the boys off the sides of the cliff.

The guy grabbed her and put her in a headlock. "I SAID, LET GO!", she yelled, biting his arm, twisting it and kicking him off the cliff too. She ran to the edge just as my hand slipped and caught it. "Ah! H-Haruhi!", I said as she tried to pull me up.

"Saka! I got you!", she said, using all her strength to pull me up. Once up I gave her a hug, crying into her shirt.

Everyone ran up there with us and tried to comfort me, but I was too scared to leave Haruhi's side. My grip stayed tightened to Haruhi and my tears soaked her shirt. She held me closed and tried to calm me down.

"Shh, it's gonna be okay.", she said and I cried more. "T-Thank you *hiccups* Haruhi.", I said through sobs and she smiled, pulling me closer. (If possible.) "It's okay."

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