Chapter 3

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↠ Alexandra Queen ↞

After what happened yesterday I didn't want to go to school or talk to anyone but Elizabeth. Well talking to Elizabeth wasn't really much of a choice. She would know something is wrong somehow dan ask and I wasn't up for conversation about it, not right now atleast.

I haven't told anyone about yesterday. I told my mom I didn't feel good so I didn't have to go to school. I wasn't exactly lying because I don't feel good, well about going to school and seeing Sam and Nathaniel faces.

I remembered something about yesterday. When I was talking to Nathaniel his breath smelled like alcohol. The scent wasn't that clear because of the direction the wind was blowing. So I blew it off as my nose acting up.

Every single time I close my eyes I see that kiss replay in head. I don't like him or boys like him. He's a player for god sake.

He kept calling me beautiful. And he said he couldn't stand not kissing me anymore. What is that suppose to mean. I have to find out, I can't stand not knowing anymore.

Just as I was about to grab my phone the flash goes off and it vibrates. I grab my phone and turn the screen on. It's a text from '326-985-5413'.

'Who's this?'

I open the message.

Alexandra's Phone

326-985-5413: You didn't come to school

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Alexandra's Phone

Alexandra: Is that a question or a statement

326-985-5413: Do you see a question mark?

Alexandra: Stop being a smart ash

326-985-5413: Forgot you don't like cursing, it's still adorable

Alexandra: Can you get to the point. Why did you text me? I have better things to do

326-985-5413: What better thing is there to do than text me?

Alexandra: NATHANIEL!!!! Get to the point 😒

326-985-5413: Alright stop being so grumpy jeez

326-985-5413: Why didn't you go to school today?

Alexandra: Because I just didn't want to, is there a problem with that?

326-985-5413: Not really

Alexandra: Alright than why are you texting me about it?

326-985-5413: I just wanted to text you I guess 🤷‍♂️ is that bad

Alexandra: Your so annoying 🤦‍♀️. While we're texting I have to ask you something.

I go to my contacts and add his number, putting his name, waiting for him to answer.

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