Chapter 32

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↠ Nathaniel Adams ↞

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↠ Nathaniel Adams ↞

"Elizabeth? What are you doing here? And where's Sam?" I ask her confused.

"He's not coming. And um we need to talk, it's about Alexandra." That caught my attention.

"What about her? Did you and Sam hear something about her?" I ask desperately.

"Let's go inside where's its safe before I say anything" she looked around making sure no one heard. Even though, how would someone hear us. My house along with everything else's are feet apart.

"Alright, yeah. Come inside then." I say inviting her in. When she's inside I close to the door and follow as she heads to the living room. She begins pacing back and forth.

"Elizabeth what wrong?" I say anxiously. "I just don't know how to start" she continues to pace.

"Alright, how about this. Take a seat first and then start from the beginning." She sighs and does as I say. Seating down on the sofa across from me.

"Okay, okay I'm going to do this. Alright, well me and Sam had decided to going to a night club a last night. He had become stressed because of work. You know how it gets in the hospital sometimes" I nod understanding "Well we go to the night club, the one that's nearby our house. And... and while we were there... um" she's stops in her track thinking about it.

"Elizabeth, why are you stopping. Tell me what happened. And what that does to do with Alexandra"

Before she could respond the door rings. I sigh getting up "I'll check who it is but when I come back you have to tell me." She nods okay.

I get up and walk to the front door. I open it and see Sam standing there. "Sam? I thought Elizabeth said you weren't coming."

"Elizabeth is here? Wait I mean, yeah she's here obviously. I decided to come." I look at him confused. "Alright, well she's in the living room." He nods "did she mention anything to you by any chance?" He asks.

"Yeah, she was just about to tell me about what happened when you guys went to the nightclub last night. And how Alexandra is involving in the whole thing." He mumbled something but I don't catch it.

"Is everything alright?" He nods "Yeah, can I come in?" I nod letting him through. He walks in and straight to the living room.

When Sam reaches the living room Elizabeth gets up and looks at him with wide eyes. "Sam? What are you doing here." Sam looks back at me and back at Elizabeth.

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