Alexandra Queen, she has never had a normal childhood. Her and her mother were abused by her father and his friend, John. Day in and day out. Their joy was her pain and suffering.
No one knew of Alexandra's life at home. She was so good at hiding it...
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↠ Mike Ryan ↞
I wake up startled by a scream. Snapping my eyes open and looking around I see nothing. I then look down to see Alexandra moving around crying. I lightly shake her to wake her up. After a few firm shakes she wakes up. She sits up fast looking around panicked.
I grab her lightly pulling her to me. She pulls away at first until she sees who I am does she hugs me. Hugging her back I whisper to her "It's going to be alright Alexandra. It's just me, I'm not going anywhere." She begins to cry.
"It's all back, all the nightmares I use to have." I have no idea what nightmares she was talking about. I hardly know anything about her past. No one really does beside my uncle. But even he doesn't speak about it. Makes me wonder what horrible things she must have gone through to keep her up at night, unable to stay asleep and for my uncle to keep it quite.
"It's going to be okay Alexandra, I'm here for you. Rest now, it's all over." Nodding she closes her eyes. It took a while before she fell asleep. Pulling her close I fall asleep as well.
Getting up I go to the bathroom to do my daily morning routine. I used the extra toothbrush and towel Alexandra has. Putting on the same clothing from last night I go to the kitchen to make breakfast. I begin to make eggs when I hear Alexandra yell, pleading someone to stop.
I quickly put down what I'm doing and hurry to the room. She was moving around telling whoever she was dreaming about to stop. I shake her awake. She sits up as her eyes snap open. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. I pull her in my arms. With her face in my shirt she beings to cry. Holding onto me like life support. Afraid to let go.
"Speak to me babe, I can't help you unless you speak to me. It's killing me to see you like this and not being able to do anything." I say to her softly pleading for her to let me in.
She's about to speak when I hear the smoke alarm go off in the kitchen.
"Sh!t I forgot about the eggs. I'll be back." Getting up I hear her chuckle making me smile. I run towards the kitchen. There's smoke coming from the stove. Getting water I throw it at the pan on fire. I turn off the stove even through the fire was off.
I grab the pan and look at what was left over of the eggs. They were burned to a crisp.
"I can always call to order food." I hear Alexandra say as she walks into the kitchen. I look up at her and back at the eggs.
"Yeah I think you should." I say showing her the eggs. Covering her mouth she giggles. "I mean, it's not that bad." She walks over to give it a closer look. "Yeah never mind, I don't want people to remember me as the girl who died from eating burned eggs." We both laugh.