Chapter 21

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↠ Alexandra Queen ↞

I haven't eaten properly in days now. I lost track of how many days it's been. I've only been properly feed once since I've gotten here. I either get a loaf of bread or a beaten. I'm not surprised though. I haven't seen Samuel since that abusive drunk forbid him from coming to visit me.

I'm so scared, alone and hungry. I've given up hope in being found or escaping. I'm too weak to fight or to even walk. I can't even stand the site of my arms and legs. I'll soon become a corpse. I'm his punching bag whenever he feels like it. If I'm lucky I only get a slap and a punch. On his worst days, he beats me until I'm nearly dead. He has a close friend that went to school to become a nurse. She gives me checkups whenever my suppose to be father wants her to.

I would ask her for help but she's in on it. She's always helped him. Her name is Amber Rays. Amber went to school to become a nurse but never did because she fell in love. And you can guess with who. She didn't finish school but she learned the basics of being a proper nurse. If she isn't in my sell giving me a check-up she's upstairs with him doing god knows what. I was so used to deal with the pain but I didn't do it alone, which made it bearable.

My elder sister Jasmine use to help me through it but she could only handle so much. When she finally reached her point she committed suicide and it's all because of HIM! He left us alone for a while after she died. My mom and I thought it was over but boy were we wrong. He only left us alone for a week but then came back and worst. He started to blame my mom and me for Jasmine's death. For a while, I thought it was my fault but soon I realized how wrong I was. Things got worst and out of control.

She was only fifteen and I was only five when she died. Nathaniel and Sam knew her but they don't remember her much. They think she is my cousin that ran away because that's the story I fed them to protect them. Not even nine years later I found out why she committed suicide. I found out exactly why but the hard way. I nearly went through what she did. One of my fathers best friends called John raped her and got her pregnant.

I found out because he tried to do the same to me. He bragged about it as he tried to rape me but I fought, I fought with all my might.

My mom got home early that day and saw what was happening and what he was trying to do and she stopped it. She paid the price though. Instead of raping me he raped her in front of me. He forced me to watch that and he enjoyed every single moment of it.

Until this day, I remember exactly what he said. And how he enjoyed to tell me. Everything from when he entered my room to the moment he left the house.


"What are you doing?" I asked scared as John got closer to me.

He only smirked as he got closer. "Why are you here? And, how did you get in?" I mumbled scared to speak up.

He couldn't get in unless he had a key because my useless father was passed out on the floor and I was in my room. He raised his right hand and I noticed a silver key. I looked at his face and he just continued to smirk.

'Who gave him a key' I thought but I seem to already know the answer to that question.

"And as to why I'm here," he grabbed my upper arm tightly "well for you of course."

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