↠ Alexandra Queen ↞
I took my hands off his chest and stepped back. I grab Elizabeth hands and try to walk away. He grabs my arm and stops me from stepping too far.
I narrow my eyes at him and try to loosen his grip on me. "Let go of me" I say in disgust. Hurt flashes through his eyes for a second before he covers it up.
'I'm not falling for that act'
"No" he said in angry tone.
"What do you mean, no?!" I ask raising my voice "I mean, NO!" I was about to speak but Elizabeth spoke first. "Let her the fvck go a*shole" she pulls his hand off my arm.
I look away and continued to walk. I didn't dare look back because I know I would do something stupid if I did. But what comes out of his mouth stops me.
"You know Sam cheated on you right? It isn't just a rumor. He's not who you think he is. He might have been your best friend but he hides things from you. And I will prove it to you. Just you watch." Nathaniel yelled. Making everyone stop and stare at us but mostly me.
"Don't listen to him Alexandra," she said and pulled me to continue walking. I couldn't help myself and think about what he said and what he meant.
Through out the whole day Nathaniel's words hunted me like a gosht.
"You know Sam cheated on you right? It isn't just a rumor."
For all I know, he could have made up that rumor just to try and get me to split with Sam.
"He's not who you think he is."
I know Sam better then Nathaniel ever will. He's my best friend.
"He might be your best friend but he hides things from you."
"And I will prove it to you. Just you watch"
I don't know if I can trust Nathaniel. After all he did. Playing with my emotions. Not once but twice. But why would he need to tell me those things if he didn't care. This could also just be one of his many plans to hurt me.
I need to get out of here. I get up from my seat ignoring the teacher and Elizabeth questioning me and head to the bathroom to clear my head.
I was in the library for lunch because I didn't want to confront my friends. Mostly Elizabeth. She would only question me and I don't need that right now.
Leaving the library I head to the bathroom. Once in I look around for anyone.
Nothing. It was empty.
I head to the sink and turn the water on. I let it run as I stare at myself in the mirror for a moment and than look away. I cup my hands, letting water will up my hands and lower my head a bit. I splash water on my face and than wash my hands. I look at myself once again and watch as the water drips from my face. I look back down and turn the water off.
I reach to grab a paper towel from my left but there was nothing. I walk into one of the stalls and grab some toilet paper to wipe my face.

The Girl and Her Breaking Heart #1 || ✔
Teen FictionAlexandra Queen, she has never had a normal childhood. Her and her mother were abused by her father and his friend, John. Day in and day out. Their joy was her pain and suffering. No one knew of Alexandra's life at home. She was so good at hiding it...